MG. Adiyanti ;
Developmental Psych, University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Wisjnu Martani
Developmental Psych , University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia;
(This research was summarized from several studies conducted Bullying in Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
Bullying is still as a major problem for children in Indonesia. It is also in Yogyakarta.. Research in teachers and students from elementary, junior high school and vocational school concluded that teachers can not clearly distinguish between aggression and bullying. Although teachers often see violence among students but teachers have not received any reports from students about the violence. Thus the teacher’s involvement in dealing with bullying prevention become not optimal. While some studies have found the existence of bullying in every elementary school under investigation
The study of 72 children aged 9-10 years in Yogyakarta found 2 type of bullying behavior in children were physical bullying and verbal bullying. In this study found no psychological bullying. A study of 108 children ages 9 -11 years in several elementary schools in Yogyakarta found that no difference of the type of bullying between boys and girls either verbal or physical bullying.
In relation to academic achievement, the bullying actors had lower academic achievement (M = 50.12) compared with the victim (M = 51.23) and bystanders (54.89). The difference was significant (F = 4032, p <0.05). Compared with children who are not involved in bullying the value of their academic achievement is lower. It was obtained that correlation between self esteem and bullying = -0.338 and p = 0.000 (p <0.01). Negative significant correlation between self-esteem with a tendency of the role of children as actors of bullying.
Test of difference with one way ANOVA F = 6.148 (p <0.01). The calculation result shown the different self-esteem between groups of actors of bullying (SE = 24.80), the victim (mean = 27.86) and bystander (M = 28.89). Students who are not involved in bullying have significantly higher self esteem than the students involved bullying.
Another study of bullying in relation to authoritative parents and empathy shown that authoritative parenting has significant correlation with empathy (r=0.256 ; p<0.05) and the result of research depicted that bullying actors have lower empathy than bystanders and victims.
Key words: bullying, academic achievement, self esteem, empathy