The Art Therapy Workshop of Session II and III was completed on Friday (6/9) and Tuesday (10/9). At the Auditorium G-100, the Faculty of Psychology at Universitas Gadjah Mada was attended by approximately 70 participants. The workshop was guided by Prof. Evelin Witruk from University of Leipzig, Germany. Acted as a moderator of the workshop is Satwika Rahapsari, S. Psi, M.A., R-DMT, a lecturer at Faculty of Psychology UGM.
At the II session workshop, Prof. Evelin Witruk As the speaker presented the material on how to create an intervention design for children with learning difficulties. According to Witruk there are several methods of intervention that can be done for children with learning difficulties. The intervention model differs depending on its cause and symptoms. Participants are invited to understand which intervention model best suited to various types of children who have difficulty learning. At the end of the session, participants were given the opportunity to submit questions related to the material already submitted.
Workshop session III is different from the previous two workshops because in this session participants were invited to practice direct art therapy with children who have difficulty learning. In this workshop, there were 10 children from the SLB C Dharma Rena Ring Putra II, from elementary to the high school level. All participants were invited to practice drawing using the equipment provided by the organizers, such as crayons, colored pencils, and watercolor.
There are three kinds of drawing activities. Every kind of activity is accompanied by a different kind of musical accompaniment that is adapted to the theme of a predefined image, ranging from a type of music that is slow to upbeat. After finishing the drawing, participants were asked to explain the meaning of the image that had been created. Before the event closed moderators invite participants who want to ask the speaker.