Saturday (12/10), Thalia advised RA Purwanto, students of the Faculty of Psychology UGM, 2016 followed the event of Positive Psychology Ambassador which is one of the competition branches of Psychology Positive Student Festival 2019. The event was held for 2 days, 11-12 October 2019 at Maranatha Christian University, Bandung. There are several branches of the Positive Psychology Student Festival 2019, namely Poster competition, intervention design, short Film, and positive psychology ambassadors. This competition is the first year competition held by the Indonesian Positive Psychology Association (AP2I) with the theme “Integrating Science and Practice for a Positive Life”.
Under the guidance of Acintya Ratna Priwati, S. Psi., M.A., Thalia follows various stages of the race process. At the initial stage, participants are required to upload all matters related to positive psychology on their respective social media for a month. Followed by a campaign around Maranatha Christian University which will be presented in the form of Vlog.
After the initial stage process has been passed, the participants’ election positive psychology ambassador followed the advanced selection stage. At this stage, make a personal introduction, Campaign vlog presentation, reflections about the campaigns that have been conducted, and questions related to the theory and application of positive psychology in daily life.
Thalia raises issues of various family and self-related problems, including Positive Parenting, Emotional Intelligence, Moral Development, Happiness, Humor, Forgiveness, Healthy Relationship, Self-Love, and Gratitude. According to Thalia, the family is the smallest unit in society. The personality formation process is strongly influenced by family parenting patterns so that often the wounds in the self are caused by problems in the family. These problems were found while undergoing a real work lecture (KKN). Many family problems strongly affect the self-development of children so that the victims are children themselves. It is therefore important to educate that family is not an easy thing and does have to start from yourself first.
From this advanced process selected 5 major finalists will follow the question and answer session with the jury in the final round. The Campaign by Thalia speaks of gratitude or gratitude. “Sometimes we only focus on the big things until we forget to be grateful for the little things first”, said Thalia. With this content, Thalia managed to enter the finals and had the opportunity to do a question and answer session with the jury. At the end of the race, the process was announced that Thalia was elected to The Winner of The Positive Psychology ambassadors 2019.
“Initially just wanted to increase the courage to upload content. Hopefully, this race is able to become my bridge to be able to give education about the positive things on social media so that my social media can help foster positive emotions minimal for my followers. For me, losing wins was unusual in the race. Humans are only planners and workers are not the end result printers. If I get the title of the winner not because of my greatness but all because of God’s grace, “said Thalia.