Annual Informatic Competition (Anforcom) 2019 is a national mobile apps competition held by the Indonesian Informatics Student Association of Diponegoro University. The mobile apps competition that themed “Be a Brilliant Generation Through Digital Tech Innovation” has five categories: Fintech (Financial Technology), Education, Health Issues, Social Issues, and Tourism. The Anforcom 2019 series was begun in the preliminary round on 8 August to 19 October 2019.
The team of UGM consisting of Eva Rahman (Faculty of Psychology), Yudit Adythia Putra and Muhammad Reyzaldy Indra Sukmana (Faculty of Engineering) followed the stage after stage of the race, which was begun from the preliminary round to the final round. The idea that was promoted by UGM team is Frei, an Artificial Intelligence based Smartphone diet application that is equipped with gamification to reduce and overcome social media opium in adolescents in a fun and interactive manner.
UGM team who qualified to the final, went to the University of Diponegoro Semarang to make a presentation. In the final round of Mobile Apps competition, UGM team got the first opportunity to present the results of design and prototype mobile apps. According to Eva “This race is very fun and fun, because we have to collaborate to create a new application that is practically able to solve problems in everyday life”.
In addition to competing, participants were also invited to join a seminar titled “The Smart Way to Develop Startup” which was filled by CEO and Founder Swimpro, Business Process Improvement from Kitabisa.com, Senior manager SBD Lintasarta, and Business Development Manager Indodax. At the end of the event was announced by UGM team with application Idea Frei won second place.