Psychodiagnostic Tool Development Unit (UPAP) Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University conduct online socialization PAPs Test live trough Kanal Pengetahuan Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada Youtube channel. The event was viewed by 280 participant, live.
It was held on Thursday, May 28 at 10.30 AM. This event aims to answer the needs of Online PAPs Test during COVID-19 pandemic and inform about the availability of Computer Based Test (CBT) version.
The event was divided into four sessions. The first topic was general information about the PAPs test presented by Wahyu Widhiarso, S.Psi., M.A. as the Head of UPAP. Followed by registration flow information, device installation and test implementation sessions by Wahyu Jati Anggoro, S.Psi., M.A. as the Head of UPAP Tool Development.
As the test organizer, UPAP will execute and monitor the PAPs online test, with the help of SEB and Zoom Meeting apps which can be accessed via a Personal Computer (PC)/ Laptop with Windows operating system with certain requirements.
Further information about the Online PAPs Test can be accessed on UPAP webpage.