On Tuesday, November 13, 2018, UGM Psychology held an introductory session (called sosialisasi/socialization) to socialize about a student exchange opportunity to Gronigen University. The event started at 9.30 a.m. in the G-100 Auditorium. The participation was mandatory for IUP students in the faculty, but students from the regular program were also more than welcome to attend. The purpose of this session was to support one of the key programs of IUP, which is International Academic Exposure (IAE). IUP students have to commit to go study abroad in partner universities around the globe, that’s why sessions like this are very helpful for them. Galang Lufityanto, M.Psi., Ph.D., the Coordinator of IUP opened the session. Alette Arendshorts, the External Collaboration Coordinator and Study Advisor from Groningen University, spoke about the study abroad opportunities to the university.
In her explanation, Alette explained that Groningen University is one of the biggest and oldest universities in Holland, located in the northern part of the Netherlands, which is the city of Groningen. There are 6000 international students from 120 countries out of the total of 30000 students there. That’s why Groningen University is very multicultural. Alette also explained that there are a lot of reasons for IUP students to choose Groningen University for their study abroad program. One of the reasons is the fact that Groningen is the city of choice for Dutch students for education. After Amsterdam, Groningen is also noted as the city most chosen by international students.
Not only that, Groningen University is also Holland’s best university in 2018. This university, also popular with Indonesian students, have great access towards students’ needs, especially Indonesian students. There’s worship centers, halal food, Asian shops, and public transportation. The PPI (Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia/Indonesian Students Association) is one of the PPIs with the strongest ties. IUP students in the Faculty of Psychology can take all courses available in Groningen University by choosing one of the majors there. The majors they can choose from are Psychology, Sociology, and Pedagogical and Educational Sciences. All of them are in the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences.
After the materials were delivered, the event continued with a Q & A session moderated by Nur Shofaa Inarah. The participants, most of them IUP students from the junior and sophomore year, were very enthusiastic and actively participated from start to end, including by asking questions during the Q & A.