Friday (24/09) UGM Psychology Consulting Unit held the 13th UKP Synergy UKP Sharing (UBUB) with the topic “Tracks Behind the Consultation Room: Counselling for Employees” online. The topic that was brought up by UBUB #13 this time was delivered by Diana Setiyowati, Psikolog and Indrayanti, M.Sc., Ph.D., Psikolog.
The purpose of holding counselling for employees consists of several things. First, it aims to help unravel work-related problems. Second, assisting employees in maintaining a work-life balance through professional service facilities. Third, jointly find conflict resolution and reduce stress levels that have an impact on work performance.
Furthermore, Diana also conveyed about things that affect the mental health of employees, such as work targets, workloads that exceed abilities, short and sudden work completion targets, long working hours, challenging roles, relationships with other employees, and work efficiency which has an impact on whether work accumulates.
“The thing to note is that so far people think that counselling, coaching, consulting, and mentoring are the same thing even though they are different, but these four things have something in common in that they both need listening skills,” said Diana.
“In addition, what must be understood is the existence of employees with different types and cultures,” explained Indrayanti. According to Indrayanti, counselling becomes an effective process when the counsellor can equip himself with theoretical knowledge and practical abilities. Then, there are also other things to consider when counselling employees, such as what makes clients come for counselling and what characteristics make employees stay.
UBUB #13 was attended by 52 participants consisting of psychologists and professional students from various fields of specialization who are interested in exploring and broadening their horizons regarding employee counselling services. The event which started at 13.00 and ended at 15.00 was divided into three sessions, with the last session containing questions and answers from participants led by Ainurizan Ridho Rahmatulloh, M.Psi., Psikolog as moderator.