A Human without social interaction can cause problems. The weakness of social relations can cause dementia growth.” Said Yohanes Heri Widodo, Doctoral Student Ilmu Psikologi UGM in open examination to attain the degree of Doctoral on Tuesday (29/1) in Auditorium G-100 Faculty of Psychology UGM.
As a continuance, Heri stated that social support is needed for preventing that matter. In his opinion, this concept is in line with life pattern of society in Indonesia which is distinguished as communal society, specifically in the rural area.
As time goes by, Heri said that problems exist when communal relations start to shift become the shape of settlements from rural areas to housing as in urban areas such as a city. Based on Clark & Mills (2011), Communal Relation is healthier psychologically than Non-Communal relations or commonly called by the relation of intersocial.
The increasing number of Non-Communal relations have a consequence of weakening interaction and neighboring life interdependence impacted negatively toward Psychology and Physical for individuals into it, “ he said
Heri said that for Communal society with social support pattern become simpler because every individual certainly knows each other, togetherness is very prominent even transform to be closeness, a pattern of reciprocity relation appears and grows well. While Non-communal society does not always know each other similar matters, it nevertheless tends to more complex and not too strong.
The difference characteristic, in Heri’s opinion, make difference not only in point of view both types of society but also social support. He said, “Communal society assumes social support as a part of interdependence appearing guarantee and security feeling exist, while Non-Communal society assume functionally in individual context”.
Aside to, Heri explains that necessary of safety feeling interpreted differently by both types of society. Non-communal society acquires safety feeling start from the fence, while Communal society got relations from a neighbor around.
Heri discovers in Landman’s research (2010) that restriction made Non-communal society not only impacted negatively to relation sustainability of society outside the home but also to those who are living inside.
The individual with bad social support will increase depression and stress by themselves. Otherwise, when the social support is good, individual will perform positively in their life, as a result, they can get good life psychologically and physically,” said the lecturer of Sanata Dharma University Counseling study program. (UGM Public Relation/Hakam)