
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

UGM Faculty of Psychology Contributes to Achieving SDGs Through Financial Well-Being Research

Yogyakarta, November 13, 2024— The Faculty of Psychology at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) continues to demonstrate its commitment to supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by researching the adaptation of financial well-being measurement tools. This research focuses on Indonesia’s growing middle class, which plays a critical role in national economic growth.

The study aims to adapt the Financial Well-Being Scale developed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to measure financial well-being within the cultural and socio-economic context of Indonesia. The measurement tool not only assesses objective financial conditions but also includes individuals’ perceptions of financial security and freedom.

“Through this research, we hope to make a tangible contribution to more inclusive and sustainable economic policies,” said Rahmat Hidayat, Ph.D., the principal researcher from the Faculty of Psychology UGM. “This aligns with UGM’s commitment to actively contributing to the SDGs, particularly SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-Being), and SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth).”

The study results show that the adapted scale has good validity and reliability, with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.692 and McDonald’s omega of 0.701. This scale can serve as a reliable tool for assessing financial well-being in Indonesia and can be used as a foundation for formulating more effective policies to improve public welfare.

The research also supports SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities) by identifying factors that influence financial well-being among the middle class. Through a collaborative approach, the Faculty of Psychology UGM aims to foster strategic partnerships to achieve SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals), both nationally and internationally.

For more information about this research, please contact theFaculty of Psychology UGM at

On the SNBP Pathway, one in five new students from the Faculty of Psychology UGM receives a 100% UKT Scholarship

The Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) confirms its commitment to supporting fair and inclusive access to education through the implementation of the UKT Scholarship Policy. In the 2024/2025 academic year, as many as 22% of new students accepted through the National Achievement Based Selection (SNBP) route at the UGM Faculty of Psychology will receive a 100% UKT subsidy. Meanwhile, another 32% of new students receive UKT subsidies in the amounts of 75%, 50% and 25%.

The Dean of the Faculty of Psychology UGM, Rahmat Hidayat, S.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D., emphasized that the Faculty of Psychology UGM provides equal educational opportunities for all its students. “The Faculty of Psychology is committed to providing equal opportunities to everyone in society, especially high school students, to continue their education at the Faculty of Psychology UGM. “It doesn’t look at the financial capabilities or welfare of the family,” he said on Tuesday (4/6).

Rahmat Hidayat added that the main consideration in student admissions is academic ability. “The only thing that is considered is academic ability, because like it or not, it is very competitive to be accepted at the UGM Faculty of Psychology,” he explained.

This support for students is realized through various forms of UKT subsidies and the opportunity to receive scholarships sourced from various parties, for example, scholarships from the Alumni Family of the Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University (KAPSIGAMA). “There are also many who, apart from getting UKT relief, also still get scholarships from alumni,” he added.

Furthermore, Dr. Sumaryono, M.Si., Psychologist, Deputy Dean for Finance, Assets and Human Resources, Faculty of Psychology UGM, explained the process for determining UKT. “Based on UGM policy, UKT determination is seen in various components, such as parental readiness, parental income, various matters related to the burden of economic responsibilities in the nuclear family as demonstrated by valid evidence,” explained Sumaryono.

Not only that, Sumaryono explained that there is a role for the student team in verifying data if there are objections to the UKT that has been determined. “In the future, students will also be involved in verifying data for determining UKT,” he added.

It is hoped that the policies taken by the Faculty of Psychology UGM will facilitate access for high-achieving students to receive quality higher education.

Author: Erna

Photo: Doc. Faculty of Psychology UGM

LM-Ngariung 2024

Ngariung 2024 Discussion Discusses Inclusivity in the Creative Industries

The UGM Psychology Student Institute (LM) again held “Ngariung”, a discussion about social phenomena in society, on Saturday (25/5). This time Ngariung 2024 has the theme “Ableism Discourse: Is There Inclusivity for Quality Entertainment?”. This event presented Senoaji Julius, a director, producer and writer, and Elga Andriana, S.Psi, M.Ed, Ph.D., lecturer at the UGM Faculty of Psychology.

The discussion in the Auditorium of the UGM Center for Environmental Studies was motivated by the lack of representation of inclusiveness in the creative world. This gives rise to society’s view of disabled people as individuals with shortcomings that must be corrected.

“This activity is intended as a solution in providing education at the intersection of understanding ableism and the creative industry,” explained Janur Kesumadadi (2022), Deputy Head of the UGM LM Psychology Strategic Studies Department, Monday (27/5).

This discussion includes a presentation of material and questions and answers involving participants directly. One of the interesting points is the question regarding the existence of dark jokes in the creative industry. Senoaji explained that producers often use certain formulas to make blockbuster films based on algorithm analysis. Dark jokes have become popular because they are in great demand by the public, so there is a high demand for them. This public enthusiasm is what makes the existence of dark jokes continue. “Films do provide experiences, but they don’t always provide good experiences for everyone,” said Senoaji.

Elga added that dark jokes could be an intellectual exercise for film watchers to criticize. Not only do films contain dark jokes, but all films receive comments to advance inclusion. He also emphasized the importance of considering the views of discredited parties, especially in the modern creative industry.

“Persons with disabilities are starting to be shown with good character, bringing a positive atmosphere and resilience as is present in several K-Dramas,” said Elga.

Today’s creative industry is not only entertainment but also functions as an educational medium. Through this discussion, it is hoped that society will become more sensitive to micro issues that still exist in everyday life.

The success of the Ngariung 2024 event cannot be separated from the assistance and support of the Faculty of Psychology UGM, PT Komatsu Indonesia, and Arsana Ecosystem. This shows the importance of cooperation between various parties in supporting activities that promote social understanding and awareness.


Source: Department of Strategic Studies LM Psychology UGM

Editor: Erna

CLSD Builds Literacy Spirit in Suronatan Village through Reading Aloud Training

On Saturday, March 2 2024 08.30-11.30 WIB, the Center for Life-Span Development (CLSD) Faculty of Psychology UGM through The Reading Buddies Team held a read-aloud or reading-aloud training event in Suronatan Village, Notoprajan Village, Ngampilan Kemantren, Yogyakarta City. The event was attended by 19 people, including Toddler Family Development (BKB) cadres and parents with young children. This event aims to introduce and improve the abilities of BKB cadres and parents in practicing reading aloud at home and in the community. This training activity is a continuation of the reading-aloud activity carried out by The Reading Buddies Team two weeks previously, to ensure that the people in Suronatan Village can independently continue this literacy activity.

The event began with remarks from BKB representatives, followed by remarks from the moderator who was also a CLSD representative, Kevin Pasquella Helian, S.Psi. The event then continued with a speaker session by Navia Fathona Handayani, S.Psi., a literacy activist with extensive reading-aloud movement experience. The material presented includes an explanation of the importance of reading aloud, book elements that need to be considered when reading aloud, and a demonstration of the practice of reading aloud. Participants listened enthusiastically to understand various aspects of reading aloud taught by the speaker.

Next, the event involves dividing the trainees into four small groups. This agenda aims to apply the material that the presenter has previously taught. Two facilitators, Rahmita Laily Muhtadini, S.Psi., and Riskhi Pratama Kusuma Arum Jati, S.Psi., were tasked with guiding the dynamics of participants in small groups. In this process, participants are given time to choose a book by considering various elements such as theme, plot, setting, and story characters. Each participant then practices reading aloud in a small group. This process is very important to ensure that participants understand the concept of reading aloud not only in the realm of knowledge but also in the realm of skills.

The next agenda is a practice session reading aloud by participant representatives from each group. Apart from aiming to see the participants’ abilities after the training, this agenda is also designed for a joint evaluation process. Participants provide appreciation and input to fellow participants during the process of reading aloud in front of the class. The event closed by presenting certificates, door prizes, and group photos.

It is hoped that the entire series of events in this reading-aloud training can increase the sensitivity and abilities of BKB cadres and parents. It is also hoped that this event can build independence for the residents of Suronatan Village by spreading the spirit of literacy at home and in the community.

Source: CLSD UGM

Editor: Erna