Anxiety disorder can attack anybody. Anxiety can easily experience people, students included.
Mostly student experiences social anxiety when they were learning. The impact emerges as an effect of anxiety extremely influence on student life.
Many research explain the impact of the anxiety of student such as influencing memory, adjustment in school is less, bad academic performance,
even drop out of college. Moreover, also impacts social interaction, occupational success, education, and much more activity.
Social anxiety is a syndrome of anxiety while we are in social circumstance. Many factors as a role of social anxiety development.
One of them is self-construal as the factor that related to culture gives a contribution of fluctuance social anxiety via self-efficacy and regulating emotion strategy. “ Cahyaning Suryaningrum said, Tuesday (29/1) in open examination doctoral program in psychology UGM.
Self-construal refers to individual attitude situate their own self in interaction with others. Based on assumptions stand in individual culture.
Lecturer of Faculty of Psychology Muhammadiyah Malang university conveyed self-construal interdependence also influences high of social anxiety via self-efficacy and suppression. Furthermore, self-construal independence also influences to low social anxiety via self-efficacy and cognitive appraisal strategy.
Cahyaning’s Research finding for 341 students in Java and outside java shows that social support has no influence as a determinant mediation effect of self-efficacy. That statement stands both the influence of self- construal and independence to social anxiety.