Together with the Center for Life-span Development (CLSD), the Faculty of Psychology held a Research Knowledge Sharing event together with Elga Andriana, S.Psi., M.Ed., Ph.D on Friday (29/10). This time, Research Knowledge Sharing discussed the topic of Amplifying Children’s Voices within Arts-Based Service-Learning: Emerging Inclusive Education Practices in Indonesia. “So, judging from the title, we can catch that this research is voicing children’s voices about inclusive education,” explained Elga. The event, which is held online, starts at 13.30 WIB and ends at 15.00 WIB.
Research conducted by Elga and several parties such as the Growing School, Sunny Platts Burgh, and Yogyakarta State University used photovoice as a research method. This method is used to understand and then provide information to others about a child’s point of view. During the photovoice, research participants took photos that they found interesting. Later, participants share their ideas about inclusion, collaboration, community, and belonging through the photos that have been taken. “Research using photovoice can also be done by children, but it can also be done by high school students,” explained Elga.
In addition to taking photos, co-researchers can also learn about what causes this to happen and what the right solution is to solve a problem. This can be something that can be investigated during research and is additional. In addition, co-researchers can also describe possible solutions that can be done.
This photovoice method is included in the qualitative research method. Participants who are still at school age and can even be students are referred to as co-researchers. After taking photos, the co-researchers will then be followed up using interviews using SHOWeD Photovoice. Photovoice SHOWeD consists of several questions, namely about what is seen, what happened, how the photo/situation is connected to our lives, why it can happen, and what we can do about something in the photo.
After the co-researchers were interviewed using Photovoice SHOWeD, the researchers then transcribed the results of the interviews and did coding thematically focusing on the main research questions. At the end of this research, there will be a photovoice presentation and a photo exhibition aimed at the public. The photo exhibition consists of various photos that were successfully taken by the co-researchers during the research.