The UGM Psychology Doctoral Program with the Organizational Change and Development Expertise Group (KBK) for 3 days (7-9 / 4) days held an Intensive Course on “Recent Developments in Industrial & Organizational Psychology Research”. This event was opened by Dr. Nida Ul Hasanat, M.Si as Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Psychology UGM for Academic and Student Affairs. Nida thanked all those who supported this event, as well as officially opening the event.
The first day of this event started at 13.00 WIB and with the topic “Recent Issues on Performance & Career for Millennials” which was filled by Dr. Noor Siti Rahmani, M.Sc., Psychologist and Dr. Sumaryono, M.Sc., Psychologist. Through this topic, Rahmani explained that performance management is one of them with behavioristic theory which consists of stimuli and responses which in the output will strengthen or weaken according to the quality of performance produced by workers. Therefore, assessing the work performance and work behavior of each employee is important so that the company can strengthen or weaken performance or work behavior appropriately.
Unfortunately, this is not easy because there are still many companies that have not been able to optimally assess the performance of each employee. “Assessment of work performance and work behavior is very crucial because in the world of work you will find work performance and work behavior that do not measure performance. We have encountered so many things that if it is related to reward (then) the reward is also wrong”, explained Rahmani
Furthermore, Sumaryono also explained that the definition of career for millennials is no longer the same as the definition of career in previous eras. In the previous era, careers were an organizational property and were understood as position developments. However, nowadays millennials consider career as individual property where career is considered the same as developing potential. “Now, when we talk about careers as individual property, it becomes a new problem because they do not only focus on organizational demands, but also focus on the demands of developing their (self) potential”, explained Sumaryono.
Then, the second session on the first day was continued at 15.30 WIB with the topic “Recent Issues on Leadership & Followers in Organizations, which was filled by Drs. I. J. K. Sito Meiyanto, Ph.D., Psychologist & Ridwan Saptoto, M.A., Psychologist. At the beginning of his presentation, Sito traced the early history of leadership formation. Meanwhile, Ridwan focused on explaining which direction the leadership model would lead.
On the second day, the intensive course was continued with Dra. Sri Hartati, M.Sc., Psychologist & Taufik Achmad Dwipurto, M.Sc., Psychologist as the speaker in the first session. Sri and Taufik delivered material related to the topic “Recent Issues on Training and Development”. Through this topic, the speakers conveyed that the background of this event was to change or develop training and human resource development to align with the strategic objectives of each company.
The event continued with Rizqi Nur’aini A’yuninnisa, M.Sc and Galang Lufityanto, M.Psi., Ph.D., a psychologist as speakers in the second session. Rizqi and Galang discussed material related to the topic “Recent Issues on Flourishing & Agility at Work”. Rizqi explained that flourishing exists because of mental health which can be overcome with subjective psychologist well-being, emotional well-being, and social well-being. “Well being is subjective happiness. Not just how to feel happy, but physiologically there are hormones produced in the body, that’s a hedonic approach. However, if it is seen from the eudaimonic approach, it is more profound, beyond pleasure, that happiness is when you become a whole individual ”.
After that, Galang continued the explanation about agility related to stress and change. Agility is a person’s ability to deal with stress. “Not everyone has the same ability to deal with stress. Agility here is the willingness and ability to learn from experience and apply it to something new, ”explained Galang.
The intensive course program is closed by raising 3 topics that are no less interesting. The topic raised was “Behind the Scene: Finding Motivation at Work & Creating Meaning Through Leader Perspective with Dr. Bagus Riyono, M.A., Psychologist & Indrayanti, M.Sc., Ph.D., Psychologist. Then the next topic on “Individual Differences in Rationality: Measurement and Potential Benefits” was delivered by Rahmat Hidayat, M.Sc., Ph.D. Meanwhile, the last session on the third day discussed the topic “Recent Issues of Indigenization in I/O Research and Data Analysis in I/O Research” presented by Prof. Faturochman, MA, Dr. Avin Fadilla Helmi, M.Sc., And Wahyu Jati Anggoro, S.Psi., MA.