Together with the Developmental Psychology Expertise Group, the Psychology Doctoral Program held an intensive course program “Recent Developments in Developmental Psychology Research” which lasted 3 days (28-30/4). Starting with a keynote speech from Dr. Maria Goretti Adiyanti with the topic “Understanding Life Span Development and the Significance of Developmental Research in Various Contexts” on the first day and ended by Pradyta Putri Pertiwi, Ph.D & Aaron Opdyke, Ph.D., CPEng., PE, NER as a speaker on the topic “Inclusion and Role of People with Dissabilities and Older Person in Disaster and Humanitarian Response”. Through this topic, Aaron explained how physical and psychosocial needs intersect, what the psychological impact is, what if there is a role played by the built environment, and how to understand the relationship between physical and psychosocial needs in reducing disaster risk.
Through her keynote speech, Maria explained that using a lifespan perspective is related to how we perceive growth, development, change and stability throughout human life. “For S3, when asked what the main consideration is, I will put more emphasis on basic research. Basic research development which aims to improve, broaden the knowledge base, and achieve a better and more detailed understanding of a developmental phenomenon, “said Maria.
Then the first day was followed by a second session at 10.00 WIB with the speaker Hanifah Nurul Fatimah, S.Psi., M.Sc. Hanifah conveyed about “Neutral Substrate of the Semantic Fluency and Overall Cognitive Development in Preschool Children” which was her first thesis research. “This study is part of a large study which actually has a long-term goal to examine well being or psychological well-being in early childhood, namely from both an emotional and a cognitive aspect,” explained Hanifah.
Furthermore, the intensive course program discussed the topic “Self-Determination of Children and Adolescents in Youth-Led Research” with the speaker Elga Andriana, Ph. D & Michelle L. Bonati, Ph.D from the State University of New York at Plattsburgh. Through this topic, Bonati explained the elements of Self-Determination consisting of Self-Awareness, Self-Knowledge, choice making, goal setting, problem solving, decision making, Self-Regulation & Self-Management, Self-Advocacy, and Leadership. Meanwhile, Sutarimah Ampuni, Ph.D (Cand) started the second session starting at 13.00 with the topic “Prosocial Behavior of Children and Adolescents”.
On the third day as the last day of a series of intensive courses, T. Novi Poespita Candra, Ph.D as a speaker in the first session with the topic “The Impact of Distance Learning on Adolescent Social Emotional Development”. Through this topic, Novi explained that Indonesia had reached the second rank from the bottom in 2015 related to education. This is very worrying and the condition continues to decline. “This should be our anxiety, especially maybe our friends or all of us who are studying Cognitive Psychology. What’s this? “, Said Novi.
Then in the second session which started at 1:00 p.m., Pradyta Putri Pertiwi, Ph.D & Aaron Opdyke, Ph.D., CPEng., PE, NER served as speakers with the topic “Inclusion and Role of People with Dissabilities and Older Person in Disaster. and Humanitarian Response ”. Pradyta said, “The theory which is very well known in Developmental Psychology and this bioecological is from Bronfenbrenner, which suggests that human development is cross-context, yes. There are micro, meso, exosystem, and macron contexts. However, what is often overlooked, as noted by Mrs. Maria, is the cronosystem. That all aspects or elements of this developmental context are mutually dynamic. They are related to each other, develop each other to influence human development”.