Friday (25/11) Centre for Life Span Development or commonly known as CLSD held a “Publication Writing Workshop: Tips for Reaching Reputable International Journal Publications”. This event was held as part of the end of the CLSD Workshop series of events. “The plan is that there will be two publications to be produced, namely publications for the general public that can be seen on the CLSD Instagram account and publications for the international realm and academics in the form of international journal publications,” explained Elga Andriana, M.Ed., Ph.D., as the chairman of CLSD in his speech.
This workshop event presented Dr. Vina Adriany as Head of the Centre for Gender and Childhood Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, and Editorial Board of the International Journal of Early Years Education. In the first session, Vina delivered material related to the basic concept of publication consisting of general matters and which journals are appropriate and good for sending publication manuscripts. “I may have to disclaim briefly that what I conveyed at this meeting departed from my experience as an editor in various journals and also my experience as a reviewer,” said Vina.
Through the material presented, Vina invited the participants not to write just to pursue indexing, but also to understand fundamental things related to publication manuscripts. “If I may express it, so that we can straighten out our intentions regarding publication,” said Vina. This was conveyed in relation to the burden that researchers and academics all over the world have on publishing.
Vina also explained why journal publication is a prestigious thing because the journal publication process involves blind peer review. This process is an article review process carried out by several other experts in the same field with manuscripts written by about 2-3 people before the manuscript was published. “The blind peer review process is where the researcher conducts research, then the results are written and then sent to the editor. So, researchers do not have direct contact with reviewers,” explained Vina. Therefore, the editor’s job in blind peer review is only on the rejection of the manuscript or whether the manuscript deserves to be forwarded to the reviewer, not on the decision of the manuscript to be rejected or not.
Writing, especially writing research results, is a necessity for academics and researchers. Through writing, legacy as academics and researchers can be passed down and become immortal. Like Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s quote which reads that writing is the way to immortality.