The Faculty of Psychology UGM on Wednesday (5/1) continued the series of Psychology Week events on the second day. The events held today are part of the Psychology Week series of events as part of the 57th Anniversary of the Faculty of Psychology UGM. Various events are held using online methods via the UGM Psychology Knowledge Channel YouTube and Zoom.
The event began with an Overview of the Human Quality Development Unit or UPKM which started at 08.00 am. The event, which was broadcast through the UGM Psychology Knowledge Channel YouTube, introduced what UPKM is and what activities UPKM carries out. Has a vision to become a psychological service institution that can create Indonesian human resources who have psychological maturity, competitive advantage, and are useful for the work environment and society in general. “Actually, recruitment or what can be called the process of attracting employees is an effort to ensure the emergence of as many matches as we have with the needs of the organization,” explained Indrayanti, M.Sc., Ph.D., Psychologist as the Head of UPKM.
Then continued with the next session by Prof. Drs. Koentjoro, M.BSc., Ph.D., Psychologist via Zoom. Koentjoro in the session conveyed about the disaster as well as launched a book with the title “Ragam Ulas Disaster”. The session starts at 10.00 WIB.
Furthermore, at 13.00 it was continued with a Video Showcase event by Students of Psychology Education for Children and Adolescents with Special Needs. The event was broadcast through the UGM Psychology Knowledge Channel YouTube by showing various videos with a duration of 5-12 minutes. These videos explain various materials that students learn through the Educational Psychology Course for Children and Adolescents with Special Needs, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, including how to prevent discrimination against persons with disabilities.
The event continued at 15.00 with a presentation from the PIMNAS student team of the Faculty of Psychology UGM and closed with an event from the Center for Life-Span Development (CLSD) which started at 19.00. “One of our unit’s agenda is Project COMPRE (Contemporary Methods and Community-led Life-Span Development Research), which consists of two main activities, namely Scoping Review and COMPRE Class,” explained Lisa Sunaryo Putri, S.Psi., as Assistant Research at CLSD.