- pradytia.putri.pertiwi@ugm.ac.id
- acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/PradytiaPertiwi
- orcid.org/0000-0002-6896-0388
- ID Sinta: 6754176
Research Interests
Lifespan Development, disabilities and inclusion, disasters and humanitarian crises, as well as minority and marginalized groups.
Pradytia is a Lecturer in Psychology at Universitas Gadjah Mada. She is uniquely positioned as both an academic and a practitioner with over 15 years of experience in disability inclusion within disaster contexts. This dual perspective allows her to bridge the gap between theory and practice, providing a comprehensive understanding of how sociocultural dynamics, social norms, values, and non-normative events like disasters influence human development. Grounded in both rigorous research and practical expertise, she emphasizes the transformative power of individual empowerment to drive broader community changes. Her research focuses on disability inclusion, disaster risk reduction (DRR), and qualitative methods, with her leadership in these areas recognized by being named one of Indonesia’s women leaders in DRR in 2023. Through her work, Pradytia aims to influence policies and practices that support the holistic development of inclusive societies.
- 2024 – Vulnerability and Social Cohesion in Shared Space: A Cross Country Analysis of Forcibly Displaced Rohingyas in Bangladesh and Indonesia
- 2024 – Perawat Tangguh Rencana: Penguatan Kesiapsiagaan Psikologis Perawat Daerah Lokal Mamuju dalam Menghadapi
Darurat Bencana - 2023 – Perspective of Person with Disabilities on Inclusivity and Actionability of Disaster Early Warning System (POP-IDEAS)
- 2023 – Norming of Psychological Preparedness of At-Risk Indonesian Community to Disaster
Student Name | Research Title |
Ulfa Amalia | Identifikasi Faktor Determinan Psikososial Pencegahan Kekerasan Seksual Remaja dari Prespektif Perpetrators |
Intan Dewi Kumala | Model Keluarga Tangguh Bencana Berbasis Penguatan Kapasitas Ibu |
Dewi Mufidatul Ummah | Kesiapsiagaan Psikologis Anak Usia Dini Dalam Menghadapi Bencana Gunung Api Gamalama Berbasis Tripusat Pendidikan |
Haiyun Nisa | Yurisprudensi Terapeutik dan Pemberdayaan Psikologis Pada Perempuan Inisiator Perceraian: Pendekatan Penelitian Tindaka |
Jurnal ilmiah (peer-reviewed)
- Sholekhah, A., & Pertiwi, P.P. (2024). Parental Attachment in Generation Z Adolescents: Comparison in Matrilineal and Patrilineal Kinship Systems in Indonesia. Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology (GamaJoP), Vol. 10, No 2, pp 79-90. http://dx.doi.org/10.22146/gamajop.88166.
- Pertiwi, P.P. (2022). Bridging the divide: understanding collaborative action in disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction through socio-cultural activity theory. Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 31 No. 2, pp. 166-174, https://doi.org/10.1108/DPM-04-2021-0119
- Villeneuve, M., Abson, L., Pertiwi, P., & Moss, M. (2021). Applying a person-centred capability framework to inform targeted action on Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 52. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101979
- Pertiwi, P., Llewellyn, G. & Villeneuve, M. (2020). Disability representation in Indonesian Disaster Risk Reduction regulatory frameworks. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 45. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2019.101454
- Pertiwi, P., Llewellyn, G. & Villeneuve, M. (2019). People with disabilities as key actors in disaster risk reduction, Disability & Society, 34(9-10), pp. 1419 – 1444.
- Pertiwi, P. & Sugiyanto. (2007). ‘Efektivitas Permainan Konstruktif-Aktif untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Siswa Kelas 2 SD’. Jurnal Psikologi, 34 (2): 151-163
Conference proceeding
- Pertiwi, P., Rahman, A., Opdyke, A., Bisri, M., Oktari, R., Rosemary, R., & Mas, E. (Eds.). (2023). Adaptive and Sustainable Resilience to Disaster: The 15th of Aceh International Workshop and Expo on Sustainable Tsunami Disaster Recovery (The 15th AIWEST-DR 2023). E3S Web of Conferences. https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202344700001
- Manurung, D., & Pertiwi, P. (2023). Transwomen Leading Covid-19 Pandemic Response: Experiences of an Indonesian Waria Community. In P. Pertiwi, A. Rahman, A. Opdyke, M. Bisri, R.S. Oktari, R. Rosemary and E. Mas (Eds.). Adaptive and Sustainable Resilience to Disaster: The 15th of Aceh International Workshop and Expo on Sustainable Tsunami Disaster Recovery (The 15th AIWEST-DR 2023). E3S Web of Conferences. https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202344702002
Book Chapter
- Pertiwi, P. (forthcoming). Unpacking collaboration in disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction: Are we doing it the right way?. In Grech, S. & Jeorg (Eds). An Introduction to Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction: Intersecting terrains’ .Routledge.
- Pertiwi, P., & Margaretha, M. (2022). Localising Disability-Inclusive Disaster Response in Indonesia. In A. Mardiah, M, Bisri, R. Olshansky, & R. Djalante. Eds. Post-Disaster Governance in Southeast Asia: Response, Recovery, and Resilient Societies, pp 201-223. Tokyo: Springer International Publishing AG. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-7401-3_9
- Villeneuve, M., Robinson, A., Pertiwi, P., Kilham, S. and Llewellyn, G. (2017). The Role and Capacity of Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) as Policy Advocates for Disability Inclusive DRR in Indonesia. In R. Djalante, F. Thomalla, M. Garschagen & R. Shaw Eds. (2016). Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia: Progress, Challenges and Issues. p.335-356. Springer International Publishing AG
Opinion piece
- Dibley, T., Opdyke, A., Howes, A., & Pertiwi, P (2021, September 8). Why involving people with disability in preparing for disasters leads to better outcomes. The Conversation. Retrieved from: https://theconversation.com/why-involving-people-with-disability-in-preparing-for-disasters-leads-to-better-outcomes-161986
- Pertiwi, P. (2021). Partnering for Inclusion: Pathways to Sustained Inclusive and Disaster-Resilient Communities. Impact. University of Minnesota. Retrieved from: https://publications.ici.umn.edu/impact/34-1/partnering-for-inclusion
- Pertiwi, P. (2019, December 3). 3 ways to encourage people with disabilities to be involved in leading disaster response. The Conversation. Retrieved from: http://theconversation.com/3-ways-to-encourage-people-with-disabilities-to-be-involved-in-leading-disaster-responses-127938
- Pertiwi, P., Syam, S. & Suharto, N. (2019). Peran aktif penyandang disabilitas dalam perlindungan dan pemenuhan hak disabilitas di bidang penanggulangan bencana. The Indonesia Ministry of Law and Human Rights Annual Magazine 2019.
- Rosemary, R., Pertiwi, P. & Dena, I. (2018). #StayAlive. Inside Indonesia. Special Edition 14 on Youth. Accessed via Inside Indonesia website: https://www.insideindonesia.org/stayalive
Tool, technical reports, brief, working paper
Global Disaster Preparedness Center. (2024). Share Inclusivity and actionability of volcanic hazard Early Warning System in Indonesia: Perspectives of persons with disabilities. https://preparecenter.org/resource/inclusivity-and-actionability-of-volcanic-hazard-early-warning-system-in-indonesia-perspectives-of-persons-with-disabilities/.
UNDRR & UNHCR. (2024). Issue Brief: Disability, displacement and disaster resilience: ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities in situations of forced displacement and statelessness. Geneva https://www.unhcr.org
UNDRR. (2024). Including persons with disabilities in disaster risk reduction in Africa: Advocacy Brief. UNDRR. https://www.undrr.org
- UNDRR. (2023). 2023 Global Survey on Persons with Disabilities and Disasters. UNDRR (contributing authors)
- Pertiwi, P., Pangestika, F., Sholekhah, A., Rosemary, R., Ahmad, M., & Mawarpury, M. (2023). Kesiapsiagaan Psikologis untuk Menunjang Kesiapsiagaan Masyarakat Indonesia terhadap Bencana: Policy Brief. Fakultas Psikologi UGM
- Pertiwi, P., Ahmad, M., Salaka, S.A., Rosemary, R., Mawarpury, M., Pangestika, F., Sholekhah, A. (2023). Modul Pembelajaran Perangkat Kesiapsiagaan Psikologis Bencana dalam Konteks Indonesia (PREPARED Tool). Fakultas Psikologi UGM
- Gvetadze, N., & Pertiwi, P. (2022). Reducing the Risk of Disasters in Rural Communities of Gaibandha, Bangladesh. CBM International.
- Gvetadze, N., & Pertiwi, P. (2022). Including Persons with Disabilities in Disaster Risk Reduction: A Research Study from Eight Countries of Africa, Asia and South/Central America. CBM International.
- Corneal, M., Pertiwi, P., & Bairyaman, M. (2021). Metasynthesis of DEC Response in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Rooted Impact. https://www.dec.org.uk/report/2018-indonesia-tsunami-appeal-metasynthesis
- Villeneuve, M., Pertiwi, P., Moss, M., & Llewellyn, G. (2020). Pacific Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness (PCEP) Planning for COVID-19 – For People with Disabilities. World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Strengthening Rehabilitation Capacity in Health Systems. The University of Sydney, NSW, 2006.
- Villeneuve, M. Dwine, B., Moss, M., Abson, L., & Pertiwi, P. (2019). Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR) Framework and Toolkit. A report produced as part of the Disability Inclusive and Disaster Resilient Queensland Project Series. The Centre for Disability Research and Policy.The University of Sydney, NSW 2006.
- Robinson, A., Margaretha, M., Pertiwi, P., & Sloman, A. (2015). Use of the Washington Group questions on disability in Disaster Risk Reduction: An introduction. Working Paper. Arbeiter Samariter Bund Indonesia and the Philippines.
- Pertiwi, P. (2024, September 6-7). Leaving Noone Behind workshop on the joint edited volume “Disability Inclusion in Humanitarian Action: Lessons Learned, Lessons Spurned” [Invited Presentation]. University of Bochum, Bochum, Germany, 6-7 September 2024.
- Pertiwi, P., & Gvetadze, N. (2023). (2023, November 5-7). Understanding the Social Integration of Refugee with Disabilities [Paper presentation]. 7th International Humanitarian Studies Association, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Pertiwi, P., Ahmad, M., Salaka, S.A., Rosemary, R., Mawarpury, M., Pangestika, F., Sholekhah, A. (2023. October 11-13). Understanding Psychological Preparedness of At-Risk Indonesian Communities to Disasters. (Paralel presentation) 15th Aceh International Workshop and Expo on Sustainable Tsunami Disaster Recovery, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
- Pertiwi, P. (2023, May 11-12). Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia: Where do we stand? [Invited Presentation]. University of Bochum, Bochum, Germany, 11-12 May 2023.
- Pertiwi, P., Ahmad, M., Salaka, S.A., Rosemary, R., Mawarpury, M., Pangestika, F., Sholekhah, A. (2022, September 29-30). Psychological Preparedness of At-Risk Indonesian Communities to Disasters [Paper presentation]. 14th Aceh International Workshop and Expo on Sustainable Tsunami Disaster Recovery, Sydney, Australia.
- Opdyke, A., Pertiwi, P., Aluninurin, M. K., Walters, J. (2021) “Inclusive Development: Ensuring Equitable Benefit and Voice.” (Keynote Presentation) Engineers Without Borders-USA West Coast Conference, San Luis Obispo, CA, USA, April 2021.
- Pertiwi, P. (2019, May). Disability Representation in Indonesian Disaster Risk Reduction Regulatory Frameworks. Paper presented at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Pertiwi, P. (2019, June). The role of Disabled People’s Organisations in Disaster-Prone Indonesia. Paper presented at Plenary Session at the Rehabilitation International Asia and Pacific Regional Conference, Macau, China.
- Pertiwi, P. (2018, July). People with disabilities in disaster-prone Indonesia. Paper presented at the 22nd Asian Studies of Australia Association (ASAA) Conference, Sydney, Australia.
- Pertiwi, P. (2017, June). People with disabilities in disaster-prone Indonesia. Paper presented at the Research in Development Impact (RDI) 2017: Partnering for Impact on Sustainable Development, Sydney, Australia.
- Pertiwi, P. (2015, December). Capacity Building of People with Disabilities in Disaster Risk Reduction. Paper presented at the Dhaka Conference: Disability and Disaster Risk Management, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Third United Nations (UN) World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction. Sendai, 14 – 18 March 2015. Speaker at UNICEF’s children and youth forum.
- Pertiwi, P., & Llewellyn, G. (2014, August). Promoting the Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia. Paper presented at the Australia Disability and Development Consortium (ADDC) Research Symposium, Canberra, Australia.
- International Day for Disaster Reduction 2013 Celebration Conference at United Nations Headquarter. New York, 10 October 2013. Art performance and presentation.
- Pertiwi, P., & Nandyatama, R. Vulnerability and Social Cohesion in Shared Space: A Cross
Country Analysis of Forcibly Displaced Rohingyas in Bangladesh and Indonesia.
International Joint Research Academy UGM. August – December 2024 - Pertiwi, P., Aritisna, M., Bisri, M., & Kaliri, D. Perspective of Person with Disabilities on Inclusivity and Actionability of Disaster Early Warning System (POP-IDEAS). Global Disaster Preparedness Center, American Red Cross. October 2023 – May 2024.
- Gvetadze, N., Pertiwi, P., & Robinson, A. “United Nations Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) Living with Disability and Disaster Global Survey 2023 – Data analysis and reporting.” United Nations Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR). March – May 2023.
- Robinson, A., & Pertiwi, P. “Inclusive Emergency Preparedness of Persons with Disabilities in Emergency”. World Food Programme (WFP) Bangkok Regional Bureau. November 2022 – July 2023.
- Ridwan, R., & Pertiwi, P. Evaluation Study of ROOTS Indonesia Programme. UNICEF Indonesia January – June 2023
- Pertiwi, P., Rosemary, R., & Ahmad, M. “Psychological Preparedness of At-Risk Indonesian Communities to Disaster (PREPARED)“. October 2021 – September 2022. Australian Alumni Grant Scheme Round 2, Australia Awards, Australia Government.
- Andriana, E., Pertiwi, P., & Handayani, W. “Disability and Life-span Development: Indonesia and Global Perspectives”. Juli – November 2021. Hibah Internasionalisasi Akademik, Universitas Gadjah Mada 2021.
- Pertiwi, P., Andriana, E., & Candra, T. “Kelas COMPRE (Contemporary Methods and Community-led Lifespan Development Research” untuk hilirisasi solusi berbasis bukti pada Psikologi Perkembangan”. Juni – Desember 2021. Hibah Pemberdayaan Masyarakat UP4 Fakultas Psikologi UGM
- Pertiwi, P., Handoyo, R., dan Andriana, E. “Memahami Diskursus Disabilitas dalam Penelitian-Penelitian Keilmuan Psikologi pada Konteks Indonesia: Sebuah Studi Kualitatif Meta-Sintesis.” A qualitative metasynthesis on understanding disability discourse in Indonesian psychological science. Faculty of Psychology UGM Grant 2021
- Sydney Southeast Asia Centre (SSEAC) PhD travel grant awarded in July 2019 for conference participation in 4th Human Rights Conference held by University of Jember, 13 – 15 October 2019, valued at AUD 1,000.
- Postgraduate Research Support Scheme. Awarded by The University of Sydney in June 2019 to support with thesis production valued at AUD 900.
- Faculty of Health Sciences – Faculty Funding Scheme for conference participation at the 6th Global Platform DRR in Geneva, 13- 17 May 2019, valued at AUD 2,200.
- 2023. 47 Profil Pemimpin Perempuan dalam Penanggulangan Bencana. UN WOMEN,
UNFPA & BNPB Indonesia. https://indonesia.unfpa.org - 2019, Champion of Change Award for Queensland Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR) toolkit project (Group award) https://www.igem.qld.gov.au/, Pemerintah Negara Bagian Queensland, Australia.
- 2017, First prize, Three Minutes Thesis (3MT) competition 2017 held by Sydney Southeast Asia Centre (SSEAC), The University of Sydney. Presentation titled “People with disabilities saving lives”. Sydney Southeast Asia Centre, University of Sydney.
- 2015, Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia Magister dan Doktoral, Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan, Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia.
- Vice Dean Research, Community Service, and Cooperation, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, May 2024-present
- In my role as Deputy Dean for Research, Community Service and Collaboration, I oversee the initiation and management of new and existing partnerships in academic research and community service. Our ultimate goal is to grow a Faculty with international recognition, particularly in mental health, community resilience and societal change.
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia, February 2021 – present
Courses: Psychology of Disaster and Crisis, Age Development, Social Relations, Children and Adolescents with Special Needs, Developmental Psychopathology, Psychology and Culture, Qualitative Research Methods, etc. - Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Program and Partnership Development Manager, Indonesia, June 2020 – January 2021
The ASB Office for Indonesia and the Philippines is a pioneer of disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia and one of the founders of the Disability Inclusive DRR Network (DIDRRN). As Manager of Program Development and Partnerships, I spearhead innovation of ASB programs and partnerships, while overseeing institutional knowledge and learning management.
