The Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada held the event for the Release of Period I Graduates of the Academic Year 2021/2022 for the Undergraduate Program and the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) for the first time online and offline (24/11). The release event was broadcast online through the Pengetahuan Psikologi Channel and Zoom, while the offline event was limited to the G-100 Auditorium, Faculty of Psychology UGM. The event was started by singing the anthem Indonesia Raya and the UGM Hymn. Then the event continued with the opening of the Release of Psychology Graduates Period I T.A 2021/2020 by the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Rahmat Hidayat, S.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D.
The next event was the mention of the names of graduates from the Undergraduate Program by the Head of the Study Program, Galang Lufityanto, S.Psi., M.Psi., Ph.D., Psychologist. A total of 46 undergraduate students took part in this activity with the highest-Grade Point Average achieved by Theodora Swasti Sekar Wuni.
Then followed by the mention of graduates from the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) by the Chair of the IUP, Dr. Wenty Marina Minza, S.Psi., M.A. The release of this period was attended by 5 IUP students with the highest-Grade Point Average achieved by Harera El Muhalla and Hayyu Aliya Prayitno.
In addition, the Faculty of Psychology also gives awards to students who excel, in academic and non-academic fields. Nida Ul Hasanat, M.Sc., Psychologist. There were 26 students from both the Undergraduate Study Program and IUP who received cum laude predicate delivered by Dr. Nida Ul Hasanat, M.Sc., Psychologist. Meanwhile, the award for non-academic outstanding students was delivered by the Assistant Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Lavenda Geshica, S.Psi., M.A. There are 11 students who excel in non-academic fields. Students who excel in non-academic fields include Anggakara Pramatya Rudita, Anisa Fitri Astuti, Aurelia Ulima Ekawati, Dita Marfuah Sufiatun, Evinda Nur Rohmah, Javier Sebastian, Muhammad Hafiz Sabiqulhaq, Raditya Dhiya Harimurti Kintoron, Shafira Anissa, Theodora Wuni, and Yunissa Meganingtyas.
Furthermore, the event continued with the submission of transcripts of grades represented by the graduates who were present offline limitedly by the Head of the Psychology Undergraduate Study Program. The same thing is also done for graduates from IUP by the Head of the IUP Study Program.
The graduation ceremony was filled with remarks from several parties, such as the remarks from representatives of the graduates delivered by Alvionita Indah Miftakhuljannah. “The toga that I am proud to wear, the toga that my friends are proud to wear today is a testament to the struggle and hard work of a journey,” said Alvionita. In addition, Alvionita also revealed that the toga she wore was a testament to the struggle of her family and parents who worked hard so that their children could study comfortably.
The remarks were continued by representatives of the parents of the graduates, namely the Marshal of the Indonesian Armed Forces, Ir. Tri Bowo Budi Santoso, M.M., M.TR (HAN) who is the parent of Ratriana Naila Syafira. Through his speech, Tri said that people who can survive a change are not strong and smart people, but people who are responsive and able to survive. Therefore, Tri congratulates the graduates who have successfully completed their undergraduate education and the Faculty of Psychology UGM who has been able to prove that they continue to provide the best service to students during the learning process during the pandemic era.
After that, a speech was also given by the Head of KAPSIGAMA, Prabaswara Dewi, S.Psi., Psychologist. “Sisters and sisters who are happy today because they have made achievements and graduated in special times. This can be a milestone and a reminder that you can get through this and be ready to make achievements in the future,” said Prabaswara.
At the end of the event, a speech was delivered by the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology UGM who said that obtaining a bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Psychology UGM was not a simple achievement. “All of you have proven that measurable potential has resulted in immeasurable results, abilities, knowledge, and mentality into diplomas, social networks, emotional maturity, and the ability to solve problems that increase and even increase maturity,” explained Rahmat.