Wednesday (26/1) UGM Faculty of Psychology held the Release of Graduates/Graduates and Psychologist Oath Taking Period II Academic Year 2021/2022 for the Postgraduate Program. This event was attended by 37 graduate students of Master of Psychology, Master of Professional Psychology, and Doctor of Psychology. The graduates who took part in this period consisted of 29 students from the Master of Professional Psychology Program, 6 students from the Masters Program in Psychology, and 2 students from the Doctoral Program in Psychology.
The highest-Grade Point Average for the Masters Program in Professional Psychology is 3.92, achieved by Meyrantika Maharani and has a cum laude predicate. Meanwhile, the highest-Grade Point Average for the Psychology Masters Program was 3.86, achieved by Halimatus Sa’diah who also won cum laude. In addition, during this period there were also 2 graduates from the Doctoral Program in Psychology, namely Hendrikus Pedro and Nita Trimulyaningsih.
In this period, Nita Trimulyaningsih appeared as a graduate who gave a speech as a representative of graduates. Through her speech, Nita revealed that Wednesday, January 26, 2022, is a happy and historic day that will later be remembered. “Today, we received official recognition as masters and doctors from the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. One of the top universities in the world that we are proud of and of course we respect”, said Nita
Then, the event continued with the awarding of an award from the Faculty of Psychology UGM to Imamnatul Istiqomah as a graduate of the Masters Program in Professional Psychology with the best thesis publication manuscript. Imamnatul took the title of the thesis “Identification of Psychologist Competence in Conducting Telecounseling with the Delphi Method: The Perspective of Psychologists and Psychological Scientists” with Edilburga Wulan Saptandari, S.Psi., M.Psi., Ph. D., Psychologist as mentor.
Other while, the best published manuscript from the Psychology Masters Program was won by Putri Yunifa with the title “Personality and Adaptation: The Key to Marriage Harmony for Members of the Ahmadiyya Congregation of Descendants and Non-Administrators”. The title Putri took together with Prof. Dr. Tina Afiatin, M.Si as a mentor.
In addition to the various achievements and awards given, the release of this period’s graduates was attended by several parties who gave remarks. One of the remarks from Dr. Maria Goretti Adiyanti, M.Si as HIMPSI Representative who was also the lead for the Psychologist Oath Taking during this period. “Currently, public awareness related to psychological services is increasing, in addition to the rapid environmental changes and the number of cases that have arisen, Psychology is developing very quickly. Therefore, psychologists who practice psychology are expected not to stop learning only from the knowledge that you get in lectures,” Maria said to graduates.
A speech was also given by the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology UGM, Rahmat Hidayat, S.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D. “That at this point, you are released from student status is a proof that you have the ability and quality, both intellectually and in character to achieve a goal that is not simple, namely, to become a master or doctorate”. Therefore, the moment of graduation can be used as a reminder in the future when facing challenges and obstacles, that graduates have already passed through more difficult challenges and obstacles.