Zafira Rahmania Nur Shabrina, S.Psi., M.Sc

Research Interests

Poverty and psychology, social relations, economic psychology.

Short Biography

Zafira Rahmania Nur Shabrina, S.Psi., M.Sc. is an academic with a strong social psychology, economics, and organizational studies background. Since September 2021, she has pursued doctoral studies as a Ph.D. candidate in Social, Economic, and Organizational Psychology at Leiden University under Prof. Dr. Wilco van Dijk, Mirre Stallen, Ph.D., and Dr. Lotte van Dillen. Previously, she completed his master’s degree in economic and consumer psychology at Leiden University in 2017 after researching Poverty and Social Emotions: The Effect of shame on Divergent Thinking with supervisors Stallen, M. and Dijk, W. van. She obtained her degree from the Faculty of Psychology at Gadjah Mada University with research on “Young Voters’ Judgement Towards Presidential Candidates of Indonesia’s 2014 General Election: An Exploratory Study” under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Faturochman, MA.

Minza, W.M., Wahid, M., Zaky, M., Shabrina, Z.R.N. (2022). Youth Movements and the Politics of Recognition and Redistribution. In: Hiariej, E., Stokke, K. (eds) The Politics of Citizenship in Indonesia. Springer, Singapore.

Shabrina, Z. R. N., Adiwibowo, I., & Beryllia, N. (2020). Maladaptive Cognitive Bias in the New Normal Period: An Analyses from a Behavioural Science Perspective in the Time of Covid-19. Buletin Psikologi, 28(2), 153-165.

Minza, W.M., Shabrina, Z. R. N., Zakky, M., & Wahid, M. (2017). Youth Movements and the Politics of Recognition and   Redistribution. In Hiariej, E., & Stokke, K. (Ed.), Politics of Citizenship in Indonesia (pp. 271 – 304). Jakarta, DKI: Yayasan Obor Indonesia.

Inayaturrobbani, F., & Shabrina, Z. R. N. (2016). Self identification and growth after academic failure in Javanese students: an indigenous approach. International Journal of Psychology, 51, 469. (abstract only)

Shabrina, Z. R.N., Astuti, R.D., Adiwibowo, I. R,. Priwati, A. R. (2021). The role of education and working memory capacity in delay discounting: evidence from Indonesia. Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.

Pertiwi, Y. G., Shabrina, Z. R.N. (2020). Media sosial sebagai sarana peningkatan toleransi beragama. Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.

Shabrina, Z. R.N. (2018). Poverty and social emotions: The effect of shame on divergent thinking (master’s thesis). Leiden University, Netherlands.

Shabrina, Z. R.N. (2015). Young voter’s judgement on presidential candidates of Indonesias 2014 General Elections: An exploratory study (bachelor’s thesis). Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.

Shabrina, Z. R. N., Wicaksono, B., Prapotomodjati, A., Fuadhy, R. M. & Rohmaani, K. A. (2012). Exploring the Mental Strength of the Javanese: A Qualitative Study Regarding Stress Reduction Strategy In Post-Disaster Survivors in Three Merapi Slopes. As part of Student Creativity Program (PKM) Ministry of Research and Community Service, the Directorate General of Higher Education.


Shabrina, Z. R. N., Wicaksono, B., Yunanto, T. A. R., Riyono, B., Sudirman, S., Yuniarti, K. W., & Kim, U. (2011). Perception of closeness towards strangers: A comparative study based on sex, education level and growth place among Indonesian students in Yogyakarta. Presented at 9th Binneal Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology: Towards Social Harmony A New Mission of Asian Social Psychology. Kunming, China.

Shabrina, Z. R. N. & Pertiwi, Y. G. (2012). Mothers and their influence on adolescents’ emotions: An indigenous study of Muslim and Javanese families. Presented at 2nd Conference on Indigenous and Cultural Psychology. Langkawi, Malaysia.

Shabrina, Z. R. N., & Yuniarti, K. W.  (2013). The cause of anger in german and Indonesian adolescents: Cross-indigenous psychology study. Presented at 10th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology: Promoting Indigenous, Social and Cultural Psychology. Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

  • 2021 – Indonesian Education Scholarship by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture to attend Doctoral Program at Leiden University
  • 2016 Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia, Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP) to attend Masters at Leiden University, NL
  • 2013 Beasiswa LOTUS III, Erasmus Mundus to attend short-term exchange at University of Kent, UK
  • 2013 Top Graduate, McKinsey Young Leaders for Indonesia
  • 2011 Beasiswa United-States Indonesia Partnership Program to attend Summer Exchange on Multiculturalism, Religious Pluralism and Democracy in the United States