Monday (2/8) Universitas Gadjah Mada held a Ceremony and Opening of Successful Learning Training for New Students (PPSMB) 2021. Mercurio Daffa Aditya was present as the Ceremony Leader and UGM Chancellor Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU, ASEAN Eng as Ceremony Trustees at the 2021 PPSMB Ceremony and Opening. The event which started at 07.00 am and was broadcast via Zoom and YouTube began with singing the anthem Indonesia Raya with Fanny Rachma Annisa as conductor
Then, the event continued with the New Student and Outstanding Student Admission Reports submitted by Prof. Dr. Ir. Djagal Wiseso Marseno, M.Agr as the Vice Chancellor for Education, Teaching, and Student Affairs. Through the report submitted, it is known that this year UGM has accepted 9,120 new students, consisting of 7,798 new undergraduate students and 1,412 new students from the Applied Bachelor Program. In more detail, based on gender, there were 40.1% male new students and 49.9% female new students. Furthermore, based on the origin of students, this year UGM also accepts new students from abroad, such as Iran, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and so on. Meanwhile, in terms of age, the youngest UGM new student this year is Mutiara Anindiana Hapsari who is a new student in the Pharmacy Study Program at the age of 15 years 7 months 22 days.
At this event, the Rector’s Ceremony Mandate was also delivered. “To all new students, Gadjah Mada Muda, GAMADA, we welcome you to the UGM. We are proud to welcome the new family of Universitas Gadjah Mada”, said the Chancellor. In addition, the Chancellor through his mandate advised GAMADA to continue to love parents, teachers, and lecturers as well as the homeland, Indonesia, through contributions and dedication wherever they are by embedding Gadjah Mada’s values and identity.
Carrying the theme, “Ragam Kreasi UGM, Pancarkan Pesona Pertiwi” which is motivated by the current condition of the Indonesian nation which has a low creativity index. Through this theme, UGM hopes that GAMADA as Indonesia’s future generation can produce various brilliant creations and innovations.
Also present at this year’s PPSMB Opening and Ceremony, the Minister of State Secretary of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Drs. Pratikno, M.Soc. Sc who gave an oration as a form of surprise for GAMADA. Through the speech delivered, Pratikno congratulated who GAMADA selected as a new UGM student from a very strict process. Meanwhile, the oration was also delivered by the Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia, Nadiem Anwar Makarim, B.A., M.B.A who reminded that being a college student is not the same as a graduation from school level because college students have wider freedom to determine their future.
At the end of the event, the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor held the 2021 PPSMB Symbolic Opening by opening a miniature of the Mekar Imaji Book which means that GAMADA is ready to develop its best creations. Aside from being a symbol of the opening of PPSMB 2021, the opening of the Mekar Imaji Book indicates that the window of new horizons and adventures for GAMADA will begin soon. Furthermore, the Ceremony and Opening of the PPSMB UGM 2021 are closed by displaying informative shows related to PPSMB in the form of 3D block formations as well as short video interviews related to history. the making of the PPSMB UGM Anthem.