The Forensic Psychologist is Less in Indonesia

Indonesia still has less expert in the Forensic Psychology field recently. While, in every court of crime, corruption, and terrorism, it is needed advice by the Forensic expert to the judges’ consideration of the final decision. Chairman Of The Association Of Forensic Psychology (APSIFOR), Dra. Reni Kusumowardhani, M.Psi, Psikolog, said that nowadays there are 300 participants of the Forensic Psychology association that the number is still very limited compared to a number of cases that must be handled upon request legal apparatus. She said for the only terrorist case, already 200 cases handled. “Approximately 200 terrorist suspect who are recommended, whether they involve radical terror with high level or not, so deradicalization or isolation must have existed, “Reni said to journalists in leisure time of workshop assessment of forensic psychology practically: case study held by Faculty of psychology UGM and APSIFOR at seminar room faculty of psychology UGM, Tuesday (29/1). Reni said that APSIFOR was asked help for analyzing of forensic psychology for suspicion of a corruption case. Since AU case until SN, We continue to give recommendation analysis”, she said. In Reni’s Opinion, Analysis and recommendation from a team of Forensic Psychology experts, some of them become reference judges for the final decision in court. “Alhamdulillah, our experts of recommendation were listened by judges”, Reni said. Aside from  APSIFOR also fulfills demanding to overcome other cases, for instance, homicide, molestation, until rape case. In Reni’s opinion, although she appreciated the police and attorney who ask their help for solving the problem, she recognizes limitation the number of association participant still exist, so is not all demanding was solved by the same person“, she said. The limitation of the Forensic Psychologist was realized by Reni because no formal education institution specifically impress Forensic Psychologists, even though this field has a specific skill. All this time fellow of association are psychologists certificated from National Profession certification . “although no formal education, it does not matter because the important thing is the code of ethics in psychology always held by following competence and training exams,“ She said. The expert of Forensic Psychology from Maastricht University, Prof. Corine De Ruiter, Ph.D., said that the Forensic psychology field is a new field in the world. In some countries, uneasily lay this profession of profession list was considered important in the handling of law case. In Holland, Corine said, recently recommendation from a team of Forensic Psychologist become consideration material for judges before deciding the final decision for suspicion in court. “role and recommendation forensic psychologist are listened by judges, especially their occupation has legal protection. In her country, Corine said, every suspicion who will be thrown in jail or sent to mental hospital depends on a recommendation from forensic psychology. Although she has known yet further to the development and role forensic psychologist in Indonesia, Corine appreciated emerging association gives role in every case in court, even is listened to advise for judges. To get legal protection and formal education to this profession, so necessary by this profession later. (UGM Public Relation/Gusti Grehenson)