Student of Psychology UGM Got Medals in Prestigious Karate Championship

Aliffa Milanisty won on Karate Competition Southeast Asian level before that Aliffa won medals in Sunan Kalijaga Competition cup 9th. This competition namely Competition Sebelas Maret Cup 9th (Southeast Asian University Karate Championship) was held on 8 until 10 March 2019 in Surakarta, central Java. This competition lone was held by Ristekdikti and UKM karate UNS. At the first time, Aliffa can contribute to this competition because herself to be representation sent by UGM. Moreover, in her mind, this competition indeed is a prestigious competition in the student environment. She confessed its reason is one of the reason for following this event. Aliffa won 3 medals such as gold, silver, and bronze on this competition. The achievement from winning these 3 medals is because Aliffa follows 4 categorizations, from categorizations that were followed, can bring Aliffa out to attain those 3 medals. She confessed that she feels nervous because of high pressure in that prestigious event because this championship was followed by 5 countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Timor-Leste, and Indonesia. In Aliffa’s opinion, this state being uniqueness during involving in various karate competition.
Tags: achievement