Thursday (25/8) Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada held the Release of Period IV Graduates for the Academic Year 2021/2022. The release this time is the release of graduates in the Undergraduate and International Undergraduate programs. The release of this period was attended by 59 undergraduate programs and 8 students from the International Undergraduate Program (IUP). Thus, there were 67 students who were the total participants who took part in the graduation ceremony for this period.
The highest-Grade Point Average (GPA) in this graduation period was achieved by Hijriyahningrum Fifkoputri with 3.9 from the Undergraduate Program which also earned cum laude predicate. Apart from Hijriyahningrum, there were 47 undergraduate students who also received cum laude predicate at the graduation ceremony for this period. Then, the highest GPA in the IUP program was achieved by Rifka Annisa Puspitasari as well as getting a cum laude predicate, which was 3.83. Apart from Rifka, there were 5 other students who also received cum laude predicate in this graduation period.
Furthermore, awards for outstanding students are also given by the Faculty of Psychology to graduates who excel academically and non-academically. Academic achievement was marked by 54 students who received cum laude predicate. While for student achievements, 17 students were achieved, namely Almeira Hadi, So Wey Thao, Kautsar Muhammad Wiroto, Dea Rifda Fauzia, Iqbal Setya Nugraha, Aisyah Noor Ridha, Dina Arifka, Hijriyahningrum Fifkoputri, Lu’luul Jannah, Yasmin Naaima, Ahmad Iqbal Zimamul Hawa, Azmi Subha Adil Paramarta, Nabila Rosa Damayanti, Pratihata Dinar Rivaldo, Rahadian Dandyaswara Hidayat, Yuniar Septya Rahmawati Qurrota A’yun, and I Gusti Agung Dyah Cahyaninggrat
In addition, the event continued with remarks, one of which was given by Aurellia Winda Fatika Azzahra as a representative of the graduates. “Therefore, let us express our deepest gratitude to the entire family of the Faculty of Psychology UGM. Thank you for giving us a warm greeting the first time when we were away from family,” said Aurellia.
A speech was also given by Yasmin Naaima’s parents, Dr. Bagus Sarnawa S.H., M.HUM as a representative of the parents of graduates. “The graduates who graduated today are the generation that is able to adapt to external conditions that have undergone drastic changes”. The change in question is the existence of a pandemic that has changed the lecture process from offline to online.
“Congratulations on graduating all of you. Brothers and sisters who, inshaaAllah, will soon become our friends, colleagues, and partners who all work for Indonesia. Congratulations on your graduation and thank you for your struggle,” said Kumala Windya Rochmani, M.Psi., Psychologist as the representative of the Gadjah Mada Psychology Alumni Family (KAPSIGAMA).
“This is a very happy and meaningful time for all of us,” said Rahmat Hidayat, S.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D as the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology UGM in his speech. In addition, Rahmat also said that the titles that are currently pinned behind the graduates’ names are the result of struggle, strong determination, high ability to reason, self-management, emotions, and motivation.