Sunday (26/09), alumni of the 2011 Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada held a virtual reunion with the theme “One Decade Together: Returning Home for Remembering”. This virtual reunion event was attended by 100 alumni by inviting Prof. Dr. Faturochman, M.A and Prof. Dra. Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti, M.Med.Sc., Ph.D., Psychologist as a guest representative from a lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology UGM.
Appearing as one of the alumni representatives of the 2011 Faculty of Psychology UGM, Wahidin Ghozi, gave a speech at the beginning of the event. Through his speech, Wahidin said that the purpose of holding a virtual reunion was to facilitate the feeling of homesickness as well as reminiscing through returning home, namely the Faculty of Psychology UGM. In addition, Wahidin also conveyed the agenda regarding what the alumni of the 2011 Faculty of Psychology UGM had done so far.
After the remarks by Wahidin, the virtual reunion was followed by remarks from Prof. Dr. Faturochman, M.A who conveyed about the changes that have occurred in the Faculty of Psychology UGM after the 2011 class graduated. These changes occurred both in quantity and quality. Starting from all employees who have become proficient in English to the addition of campus facilities and services that are centered on the online system. “So, there is no longer any need to take care of files by coming to campus, even diplomas are currently registered with the barcode system,” said Faturochman.
Then the next session was continued by Kwartarini who conveyed the meaning of what was gained during a decade together. “Growth doesn’t have to be characterized by being richer or smarter, but also whether you have a better level of faith, social level, emotional level. Have they been observed? Don’t forget to observe these things because we are busy observing other people,” explained Kwartarini.
According to Kwartarini, the most important thing when remembering something is related to the meaning of time. “So, don’t ever think that you are small people, be big!”, said Kwartarini. Regarding becoming big, the Faculty of Psychology UGM has now become one of the parties that makes an active contribution to public policy through existing units, such as CPMH and CLSD.