Lu’luatul Chizanah, S.Psi., M.A.

Research Interests

Social, Cultural, Spiritual,  Neuropsychological Relations, Leadership, Scale of Sincerity, Psychotherapy, Mental Health, Sufism, Islamic Psychology, Psychological Construct of Desire.

Lu’luatul Chizanah has completed her undergraduate education with a Bachelor of Psychology (S.Psi.) degree from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). She continued her studies at the same university and earned a Master of Arts (M.A.) degree. In her master’s studies, Lu’luatul worked on a thesis titled “The Construct Validity of Ikhlas: An Exploratory Factor Analysis of the Ikhlas Scale Instrument,” under the supervision of Prof. Dr. M. Noor Rochman Hadjam.

Lu’luatul’s research and publications largely focus on aspects of social, cultural, spiritual, and neuropsychological relations. She is actively engaged in community service related to dhikr meditation to address anxiety and depression in correctional facilities and mental health rehabilitation centers in Yogyakarta. In addition, Lu’luatul also enjoys being a companion for the Student Creativity Program related to spirituality and psychology, including “Islamic Techniques of Anger Coping: An Experimental Study on Strategies for Easing Outbursts of Anger,” funded by DIKTI in 2018. As a dedicated educator, Lu’luatul Chizanah teaches various subjects including Psychological Intervention, Intelligence Assessment, Social Psychology, Basic Assessment, Conflict Resolution, Communication Psychology, Disaster and Crisis Psychology, and Psychology of Religion and Spirituality.

Chizanah, L., Khoiroh, R.K., & Fachrunnisa, R. A. (2020). Pesantren dan COVID-19. Ragam ulas kebencanaan. Yogyakarta : Depublish.

Subandi, M. A., Chizanah, L., & Subhan, S. (2022). Psychotheraputic Dimensions of an Islamic-Sufi-Based Rehabilitation Center: A Case Study. Cult Med Psychiatry 46, 582–601.

Fachrunisa, R. A., & Chizanah, L. (2021). An Explanation of Corruption Cases in Indonesia from Al-Ghazali’s Psychological Construct of NafsuInternational Journal of Islamic Psychology4(1), 19-25.

Ayuningtyas, R. & Chizanah, L. (2020) Al-Ghazali’s Psychological Construct of NafsuInternational Journal of Islamic Psychology, 2(1), 1-12.

Anugrah, H. S., Setiawan, K., Yusuf, L. N.M., & Chizanah, L. (2020) Islamic Technique of anger: Studi mengenai meredakan luapan kemarahan. Psikologi Islam: Kajian Teoritik dan Penelitian Empirik. Ahmad Rusdi & Subandi (Editor). Yogyakarta : Istana Publishing.

Hadjam, M. N. R. & Chizanah, L. (2016) The Effect of Traumatic Brain Injury to The Emotional Intelligence. Procedia-social and behavioral sciences 165, 160-169

Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada. (2015). Indonesia Tangguh dan Bahagia. T. Dicky Hastjarjo, Wenty Marina Minza, & Lu’luatul Chizanah (Editor). Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada. (2014). Perkembangan Mutakhir Ilmu Psikologi: Kajian dari Berbagai Bidang. Supra Wimbarti & Lu’luatul Chizanah (Editor). Yogyakarta: Beta Offset.

Hadjam, M. N. R. & Chizanah, L. (2013) Leadership Profile of Teacher: Study of Implementation of Patrap Triloka as An Indigenous Value of Indonesia. Proceeding. Dipresentasikan pada Biennial Conference of AASP ke-10 di Yogyakarta.

Chizanah, L. (2013) Penyusunan Instrumen Skala Ikhlas. Psikologika 18 (1), 39-50 (Januari 2013). ISSN: 1410-1289

Chizanah, L. (2012) Ikhlas = Prososial? Psikoislamika 8, 45-164.

Chizanah, L. & Hadjam, M. N. R. (2011) Validitas Konstruk Ikhlas: Analisis Faktor Eksploratori terhadap Skala Ikhlas. Jurnal Psikologi 38(2), 199-214 (Desember 2011). ISSN: 0215-8884

Chizanah, L. (2011) Pscyhological Construct of Ikhlas. Proceeding. Dipresentasikan pada The First International Conference of Islamic Psychology di Malang, 9 s.d 10 April 2011