- fakhirah.inayaturrob[at]mail.ugm.ac.id
- orcid.org/0000-0002-3633-4454
Research Interests
Social and cultural psychology, media psychology, information and technology, as well as technology-based social interventions.
Fakhirah Inayaturrobbani S.Psi, M.A completed her undergraduate and master’s education (Master of Arts) in Social Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University, focusing her research on social identity psychology in social media. She had the opportunity to work as a technology analyst in the role of User Experience Researcher under the Department of Communication and Information, West Java Provincial Government, a few years before returning to serve at the Faculty of Psychology at UGM. In addition, she engages in a lot of education on her personal social media as an effort to channel the understanding of theories of social and cultural psychology, media psychology, information and technology, as well as technology-based social interventions. Fakhirah herself has conducted extensive research on the phenomena occurring in social media using various approaches, both qualitative and experimental quantitative. Fakhirah’s long-term goal is to build a theoretical foundation and test the ideal points of social intervention in changing public perceptions based on media and technology regarding Indonesia’s cultural diversity.
Puri, V. G. S., Inayaturrobbani, F., & Puteri, N. A. (2023). Because a man is just a bonus: a qualitative study on women who decide not to marry. OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas, 6(1), 33-40.
Nur, E. V. A., Andayani, S., Inayaturrobani, F., Shanti, P., & Anam, M. K. (2022). Social support and religiosity as predictors of psychological well-being among college students. Psychology Research on Education and Social Sciences, 3(2), 49-55.
Nur, E. V. A., Andayani, S., Inayaturrobani, F., & Anam, M. K. (2021). The impact of religiosity on social support among muslim mothers on pandemic covid-19. Psychology Research on Education and Social Sciences, 2(2), 95-102.
Inayaturrobbani, F., Jayanti, M., Fazriyah, L., Aruno, P., & Hidayat, R. (2021). Pengaruh Kelebihan Informasi Inkonsisten Terhadap Ketidakpedulian dengan Pembenaran Sistem Sebagai Kovariabel: The Effect of Inconsistent Information Overload on Ignorance with the System Justification as a Covariable. Jurnal Psikologi Teori dan Terapan, 12(1), 92-102. https://doi.org/10.26740/jptt.v12n1.p92-102
Inayaturrobbani, F., Pertiwi, G.P,. The Impact of Influencers’ Religious Identity on Instagram Users’ Perceived Competence and Warmth: The Moderating Role of Need for Cognition and Intergroup Contact. Thesis Defense.
Inayaturrobbani, F. (2020). Memahami fungsi gosip dalam masyarakat melalui film pendek “TILIK” (Understanding gossip function in society through a Tilik short movie). TONIL: Jurnal Kajian Sastra, Teater dan Sinema, 17(2), 41-54
Inayaturrobbani, F., & Kisriyani, A. (2017). Growth after academic failure in Javanese students: An indigenous approach. Working Paper Series Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology, 3. ISSN: 2355-3685.
Inayaturrobbani, F., & Shabrina, Z. (2016). Self identification and growth after academic failure in javanese students: an indigenous approach. International Journal of Psychology, 51. Abstract.
Book Chapter
Jauharini, Y.,& Inayaturrobbani, F. (2020). Menjadi perempuan lajang di Indonesia (Being single woman in Indonesia). In Minza, W.M., Herdiyanto, Y.K., Reginasari, A., Inayaturrobbani, F. (eds). Human Relatedness: Tinjauan Psikologi Keterhubungan Manusia dan Sekitarnya (Human Relatedness: Psychology of Human Relatedness and Its Surrounding). Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Sari, N.P.M.P,.Faturochman.,& Inayaturrobbani, F.(2020). Dinamika relasional nyerod Bali (The dynamic of Balinese intercaste marriage (nyerod)). In Minza, W.M., Herdiyanto, Y.K., Reginasari, A., Inayaturrobbani, F. (eds). Human Relatedness: Tinjauan Psikologi Keterhubungan Manusia dan Sekitarnya (Human Relatedness: Psychology of Human Relatedness and Its Surrounding). Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Ongoing Research and Manuscript
Pertiwi, G.P., Shabrina, Z., Inayaturrobbani, F., Mandari, S.H., Ariesta, R., (In Submission). A Quest for Harmony: Using Social Media to Improve Interreligious Tolerance. Media Psychology
Inayaturrobbani, F., Helmi, A.F., . (In review) “Sholat Masih Pakai Sarung?” Menelisik isi ujaran kebencian pada influencers transgender (“Do you still pray wearing sarong?” Content analysis of hate speech toward transgender microcelebrity). Psympatic: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi
Inayaturrobbani, F. (In review) Menulis Memoar Proses Kreatif yang Transformatif: Pendekatan Psikologi Naratif Transpersonal. (Writing Memoirs as Transformative Creative Process: A Transpersonal Narrative Psychological Approach). Jurnal Psikologi.
Inayaturrobbani, F., & Andayani, B.. (In review) The dilemma of javanese woman who commits corruption. Marwah: Jurnal Perempuan, Agama, dan Jender.
Pertiwi, G.P., Saptandari, E.W., Febriani, A., Inayaturrobbani, F., Muhiddin, S., & Ersa, E.. (In review) Pengaruh identitas agama dan gender dosen terhadap persepsi, emosi, dan tendensi perilaku mahasiswa kepada dosena (The impact of professors’ religious and gender identity towards perception, emotion and behavioral tendency). Jurnal Psikologi UGM.
Cahyanto, N.B., Arif, T., Arista, R., Inayaturrobbani, F., Changing Risk Perception in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Sentiment Analysis of Two Lockdown Periods in Indonesia. Paper presentation (in submission) at The First Southeast Asian Indigenous Psychology Scientific Meeting (SEAIP-2021). December 2021
Inayaturrobbani, F.,& Himam, F. (2018). Why Did Javanese Woman Corrupt. Paper presentation at 9th Asian Association of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology Faculty of Psychology and Education, Universitas Sabah Malaysia, July 25-27, 2018
Inayaturrobbani, F.,& Himam, F. (2017). Ethical Decision Making in Woman Corruptor. Oral Presentation at Temu Ilmiah Nasional Ikatan Psikologi Sosial (National Symposium of Indonesia Social Psychology Association), Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Inayaturrobbani, F. (2016). Ethnic identity and growth after academic failure in Javanese Student: And Indigenous Approach. Oral presentation at 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP2016) July 24 -29, 2016.
Inayaturrobbani, F. (2015). Post Academic Failure Growth in Javanese Students: An Indigenous Approach. Presented in 7th Asian Association of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (AAICP) Conference, Bandung, Indonesia.
- 2021 Best Master Thesis Paper -Awarded by Master Degree Program, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
- 2021 Winner of Educational Video Contest Award, Awarded by Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada,
- 2019 Second highest GPA in undergraduate graduation year. Awarded by Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
- 2018 Outstanding Young Research Award. Awarded by Psychological Creativity Science and Entrepreneurship Fair, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
- 2018 Winner of National Islamic Psychology Science Week, Awarded by Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia
- 2018 Outstanding Awardee of the Year, Awarded by Rumah Amal Salman Foundation for scholarship recipients who maintain outstanding performance in the whole year
- 2018 Salman Activist Scholarship, Awarded by Rumah Amal Salman Foundation Bandung, Indonesia
- 2017 Karya Salemba Empat Student Scholarship, Awarded by Karya Salemba Empat Foundation, Indonesia
- 2015 Achievement Enhancement Scholarship, Awarded by Education and Cultural Affairs Ministry, Indonesia Government
- 2020 – Psychological content advisor, Klik.Klas, Youth Empowerment, Bandung, Indonesia
- 2018-2021 Head of Family Community Services, Mosque of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (Family empowerment through psychological education)
- 2018 StoryTeller (for Children) in Yogyakarta Suburban Area, Rotary Club Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- 2017 Teacher for Elementary School in Yogyakarta Slum Area, Karya Salemba Empat Foundation, Indonesia
- 2022 – 2024, User Experience Researcher, Jabar Digital Service, West Java Province, Indonesia
- 2022 Curriculum Enhancement Team Research, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
- 2018-2021 Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada