Wednesday (25/8) the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada held the Release of Period IV Graduates/Graduates for the Academic Year 2020/2021 for the Undergraduate Program and the International Undergraduate Program. This event was attended by 47 undergraduate students and 8 International Undergraduate Program (IUP) students. The total period for the release of graduates this time was attended by 55 students
The highest-Grade Point Average (GPA) during the graduation period was achieved by Anita Listiyani from the Undergraduate Program. Achieving the highest GPA of 3.90, Anita also won the cum laude predicate. Apart from Anita, there are 28 undergraduate students who also received cum laude predicate at this time’s release. Meanwhile, the fastest study period was achieved by Anisah Nur Shafiyah, which was 3 years 7 months 16 days.
The highest GPA in the IUP Program was achieved by Dea Raihana Salsabilla who also received a cum laude predicate, namely 3.82. Apart from Dea, there were 6 other students who also received cum laude predicate at the release of this period. Meanwhile, the fastest study period was 3 years 8 months 22 days by Nadira Sarah Salsabila Adriyanto.
In addition, awards for outstanding students are also given by the Faculty of Psychology to graduates who excel academically and non-academicly. There are 36 students who excel in academic activities with cum laude predicate.
18 students, namely Abrar Audi Abdurrahman, Alpha Rhesa Janitra, Anggitya Nur Rahmadhani, Anita Listiyani Arka Nareswari, Atikah Prastowo, Denia Farahdian, Fadhillathif Farras Arifin, Fardha Thania Putri, Felecia Ratri Prameswari Sutjijana, Garbiella Wisthatisna, Giri Hasyy Putra Basuki, Puti Reno Intan, Shania Amanda, Yasinta Dyah Puspaningtyas, and Yulia Mukti Rufaida managed to achieve non-academic achievements through various competitions they participated in.
In this period, the remarks from the graduates were represented by Fadhillathif Farras Arifin. Through his speech, Fadhillatif revealed that studying at the Faculty of Psychology is not just learning theory, but also learning about self-maturation. “This may be the end of our journey here (Faculty of Psychology UGM), but this is also the beginning of the next stage of life,” said Fadhillathif. In addition, remarks from parents were delivered by Ade Muhammad Yusuf, who is the parent of Dea Raihanna Salsbilla. Through his speech, Ade advised the graduates to work together in determination and character to develop and advance together.
A speech was also given by Prabaswara Dewi, S.Psi., M.A as the Chair of the Gadjah Mada Psychology Alumni Family (KAPSIGAMA), “When we are going to achieve success, one way is to find a mentor to hone the potential of all of us,” said Prabaswara. Similar was conveyed by Prabaswara, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology UGM, namely Prof. Dr. Faturochman, M.A through his speech said that soft skills must also be honed as a complement to the academic achievements that graduates have achieved.
The release event for this period was closed by taking online photos of graduates with their families or accompanying students.