Educational Background:
- Bachelor, Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, UGM
- Master, Psychology, School of Pascasarjana, UGM
- Doctor, Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, UGM
Teaching interest:
- Emotion Psychology
- Personality Psychology
Research Interest:
- Personality and individual differences
- Personality assessment
- Social and cultural correlates of personality
Training and Workshop:
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Reducing Public-Speech Anxiety. Esti Hayu Purnamaningsih & Muhana Sofiati Utami. Published in JURNAL PSIKOLOGI (Akreditasi) Tahun XXV No. 1, June 1998. ISSN: 0215 – 8884.
Self-Concept Among Marginalized Women. Yanti D. Purwanti, Koentjoro and Esti H. Purnamaningsih. Published in JURNAL PSIKOLOGI Tahun XXVII No. 1 June 2000. ISSN: 0215 – 8884.
Viewing the Use of Conflict Management from Status of Participation in Pro-Environmental Activity in Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. Adi Mardianto, Koentjoro and Esti H. Purnamaningsih. Published in JURNAL PSIKOLOGI Tahun XXVII No. 2, December 2000. ISSN: 0215 – 8884.
Correlation between Perception Towards Menopause with High Level of Anxiety On Women Facing Menopause. Christiani, Sofia Retnowati and Esti H. Purnamaningsih. Published in JURNAL PSIKOLOGI Tahun XXVII No. 2, December 2000. ISSN: 0215 – 8884.
Self-Confidence and Interpersonal Communication Anxiety Among College Students. Siska, Sudardjo and Esti Hayu Purnamaningsih. Published in JURNAL PSIKOLOGI Tahun XXX No. 2, December 2003. ISSN: 0215 – 8884.
Teaching and Learning Elementary Level-Social Science Model Development To Support the Implementation of Competence-Based Curriculum in South-Sumatra Province. Esti Hayu Purnamaningsih, Asmadi Alsa and Amitya Kumara. Published in JURNAL PSIKOLOGI Tahun XXXI No. 1, June 2004. ISSN: 0215 – 8884. (Akreditasi Dirjen Dikti)
Observation and Educational Interview Training for Students of Magister in Profession to Identify Education Problems in Classroom. Amrizal Rustam, Esti Hayu P., and Aisah Indati. February 2000
Curriculum and Competence-Based Learning Model of Social Science in Elementary School in Sidoarjo, East Java. Kajian Kurikulum dan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Kompetensi Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Sekolah Dasar Sidoarjo Jawa Timur, oleh Esti Hayu Purnamaningsih, Asmadi Alsa dan Ami