- dianmufitasari[at]ugm.ac.id
- orcid.org/0000-0003-3015-8768
- ID Sinta: 6109064
Research Interests
Educational Psychology and Development, children with special needs, inclusive education.
Dian Mufitasari, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psychologist, is a graduate of the Bachelor’s program in Psychology and the Master’s program in Professional Psychology from Universitas Gadjah Mada. (UGM). Dian has a great interest in educational psychology and developmental psychology, especially in dealing with children with special needs and the implementation of inclusive education. In her academic journey, Dian has completed a thesis titled “Validation of Active Case Discussion Modules to Enhance Self-Efficacy of Inclusive School Teachers,” supervised by Prof. Dr. Amitya Kumara, MS, Psychologist.
Mufitasari, D., & Kumara, A. (2019). A Small Step to Increase Indonesian Teachers’ Self-Efficacy in Conducting Ideal Inclusive Education. Psychology and Education Journal: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Volume 56. No. 3-4, Fall-Winter 2019.
Kumara, A., Mufitasari, D., Nusantari, K.Y., & Aroma, I.S. (2017). AKTIF Teacher Training Program to Increase Teachers’ Self Efficacy in Teaching Children with Special Needs. Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia. Vol. XII, No. 1, 19-30, ISSN. 0853-3098. https://doi.org/10.31227/osf.io/2nvkr
Mufitasari, D. (2016). Validasi Modul “AKTIF Diskusi Kasus” Untuk Meningkatkan Efikasi Diri Guru Sekolah Inklusif. Tesis. Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Research Title | Researcher | Research Scheme | Year |
Perspektif Orang Tua Mengenai Perkembangan Anak Sekolah Dasar: Setahun Pasca Pandemi (Parents’ Perspectives on Elementary School Children’s Development: A Year After the Pandemic) | Dian Mufitasari, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog. Elga Andriana, S.Psi., M.Ed., Ph.D. | UGM Faculty of Psychology Research Grant | 2023 |
Asesmen kondisi sosioemosional anak prasekolah: persiapan transisi sekolah pasca pembelajaran jarak jauh (Assessment of the socio-emotional conditions of preschool children: preparation for the school transition after distance learning) | Hanifah Nurul Fatimah, S.Psi., M.Sc. (ketua peneliti) Dian Mufitasari, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog. Elga Andriana, Ph.D. | UGM Faculty of Psychology Research Grant | 2021 |
Asesmen pemetaan kebutuhan orang tua yang memiliki anak berkebutuhan khusus: studi eksploratori (Assessment of mapping the needs of parents with special needs children: an exploratory study) | Dian Mufitasari, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog. (ketua peneliti) Dr. Aisah Indati, M.S. Dr. Budi Andayani, M.A. | UGM Faculty of Psychology Research Grant | 2018 |
Profil anak dengan kesulitan belajar spesifik dalam tes kognitif AJT (Profile of children with specific learning difficulties in the AJT cognitive test) | Ammik Kisriyani, S.Psi., M.A (ketua peneliti), Dian Mufitasari, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog. | UGM Faculty of Psychology Research Grant | 2018 |
- 2019 International Short Course “Social and Cultural Psychology on Health and Education: From Theory to Practice”. Faculty of Psychology UGM,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia. - 2019 The 10th International Conference on Indigenous and Cultural Psychology. Faculty of Psychology UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
- 2018 International Short Course on “Advocacy Skills in Mental Health System Development: From Research to Policy”. Faculty of Psychology UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
- 2016 Global Rehabilitation & Educational Programs for Hearing Impairment Children in Bali, Indonesia
Training and Seminar
- 2019 Assessment Center Training for Assesors, Yogyakarta
- 2017 NST and Frostig Assessment for Children’s School Maturity, Semarang
- 2017 Seminar Terapi ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis) dalam Pendampingan Anak Autis
- 2017 Seminar Kurikulum dan Metode Pembelajaran yang Tepat bagi Anak Gifted
- 2016 Seminar dan lokakarya Universal Design for Learning di Fakultas Psikologi UGM
- 2016 Workshop Global Rehabilitation & Educational Programs for Hearing Impairment Children di Bali
- 2015 Seminar Kebutuhan Pendampingan Anak Kebutuhan Khusus di Pesisir Gunungkidul yang diselenggarakan oleh Direktorat Pendidikan Khusus dan Pendidikan Layanan Khusus (PK-LK) Dinas Pendidikan Nasional
- 2013 Workshop Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Children di University Club UGM
- 2013 Seminar Umum Nasional Intervensi Terapi Wicara pada Kasus Tuna Rungu dan Celah Bibir dan Langit-Langit yang diselenggarakan oleh IKATWI (Ikatan Terapis Wicara Indonesia)
- 2012 Workshop ‘Art Therapy’ yang diselenggarakan oleh Fakultas Psikologi UGM bekerja sama dengan Universitat Leipzig
- 2020 Publication Grant from the Publishing and Publication Agency (BPP) Universitas Gadjah Mada
- 2016 10 Best Script Writers in the National Seminar with the theme “Examining the Development of Indonesian Psychology” organized by HIMPSI (Indonesian Psychological Association)
- 2013 PT. FamilyTree Indonesia Education and Counseling Center full scholarship for Master study
- Drafting Team for Selection Questions for Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) Ministry of Education and Culture 28 June 2022 s.d. August 18, 2022
- Review of Scholastic Aptitude Test Questions in the context of Developing a Non-Academic Question Bank for the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology 2 to. June 3, 2022
- Selection of Assistant Manager for Jolie Accessories Fashion Homedeco and preparation of reports on the results of activities March 29 s.d. April 25, 2022
- Resource person for art therapy workshop MOEKTI Art Therapy Yogyakarta Culture Service 15 March 2022 s.d. June 14, 2022
- Preparation of reports on the results of the Psychological Assessment of the UGM Faculty of Pharmacy 10 to 10. February 25, 2022
- Data Processor and Classical HPP Compiler Online-Based Psychological Assessment Activities for UGM Faculty of Pharmacy Students 27 January s.d. February 5, 2022
- Online-Based Psychological Test Tester for UGM Faculty of Pharmacy Students 24 to. January 26, 2022