Silih Agung Wasesa, S.Psi., M.Si or who is familiarly called Silih is a graduate of the Bachelor of Psychology from Gadjah Mada University. Currently, Silih has a career as a writer, youtuber, and owner of an event at SmartFM Jakarta. Silih is also known as an expert in brand development, consumer behavior, marketing strategy, communication, public education, and behavior modification with various experiences in corporate matters. All that has been and is being done by Silih for 28 years.
Don’t want to keep the experience on his own, Silih tried to share his experience with the graduates through the Graduation Briefing for the Psychology Undergraduate Program Period IV T.A 2021/2022 (22/8). The topic raised is not far from Silih’s expertise, namely branding as a form of applied psychology. Therefore, branding is an inseparable part of psychology.
Before entering the material, the Head of the Psychology Undergraduate Study Program, Indrayanti, Ph.D., a Psychologist, gave a speech to the graduates. “Because this (graduated as a graduate) is part of the change, right? If there is a change, the first step is to accept it. Do not deny it, let alone look for rationalizations so that you can get the status of being an undergraduate psychology student. Hopefully this will be your destiny and this is a new chapter of your life to fight and contribute”, said Indrayanti
Then the event was continued by Silih who began to provide material related to her 28 years of experience in applied psychology. “Actually, to what extent is psychology useful for branding?”, asked Silih at the beginning of the session. According to Silih, psychology is very useful for branding and even important. The purpose of branding is to build an image, confidence, quality assurance, and prestige.
One thing that is also related to branding and is one of the keys to shaping behavior change is Behavior Change Communication. It relates to how a person can change the behavior of others through communication. Another theory that is also related to behavior change communication is the theory presented by Ivan Pavlov in shaping behavior. “The interesting thing is that the habits we do are stored in DNA and DNA is genetic,” explains Silih.
In addition, Silih also said that attention span only lasts a maximum of 3 months. This is what causes some brands to change their packaging to maintain consumer loyalty to their products. “I hope that after this, friends are interested in a career in marketing, branding, or career in creative with your knowledge of Psychology,” said Silih