Saturday (5/12) Alumni of Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University (Keluarga Alumni Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada – KAPSIGAMA) held second Edukapsi webinar. This event is part of the 56th anniversary of Faculty of Psychology UGM. Edukapsi itself is one of KAPSIGAMA’s programs that aim to share experiences and knowledge from alumni to alumni.
The event that attended by 110 alumni was raising mindfulness as the topic. They aslos collaborating with Adjie Santosoputo, a minfulness practitioners and also alumni of class of ’02 as the speakers.
The session was open with short speech from Prabaswara Dewi as the chairman KAPSIGAMA 2020 period as well as Prof. Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti, MMedSc., Ph.D., Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, and Partnership.
Furthermore, Prof. Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti, MMedSc., Ph.D., hope this event can be one of the media to share, learn and grow within the alumni.
After the speech, the event was continued with sharing session with the speaker. Broadly speaking, Adjie Santosoputo conveyed the concepts and definitions of mindfulness and how to live a happy life in the midst of this ‘wavy’ pandemic period.
According to Adjie, the bustle that experienced by many people nowadays could cause physical and mental fatigue. Most of people who experience uncomfortable feelings or emotions chose to vent, divert or reframing the condition. However, the alternative to deal with uncomfortable emotions are practicing mindfulness. “Observing all forms of thoughts that come, in order to train the mind from an impulsive dog mind to a calmer lion mind,” he added.
Furthermore, he said that mindfulness is not medicine, but ability that can always be sharpened, so that when experiencing unpleasant events, we are mentally more prepared. “It’s not a cure to not feel it anymore, because mindfulness is a daily practice,” said Adjie.
In addition to the sharing and question and answer session guided by the moderator Moordiningsih (an alumni of the Faculty of Psychology, class of ’92), at the end of the event there was also mindfulness practice session guided the speaker.