The need to develop an entrepreneurial spirit, innovation, and creativity inspired the Entrepreneurial Department of UGM Psychology’s Student Body Organization (Lembaga Mahasiswa) to organize an entrepreneurship seminar and talkshow. With the theme ‘Creativepreneur Talks : Be Creative Be An Enterpreneur’, the seminar was succesfully held on Sunday, November 4, 2018 in the faculty’s G-100 Auditorium. The event started at 8 a.m. with almost 100 people in attendance. Most of the attendees were students.
Haikal Adlan, the Head Officer of Creativepreneur Talks, explained that the seminar is a yearly event and one of the biggest programs from LM’s Entrepreneurial Department. “We organize this event to encourage students and young people in developing an entrepreneurial spirit, to have ideas and new innovations, so that in the future we don’t just work as employees but actually have our own independent business and be the ones in charge,” said Adlan.
The event had 2 sessions, the first was a seminar, and the second was the talkshow. They managed to invite business owners from various fields that are based in Jogja as speakers. MÂ Abdurrohman Alhafidh, a businessman in the IT sector, was the speaker during the seminar session. His business is online webmaking. He is also a student from Year 2014 in the Faculty of Engineering. In the talkshow, Christina Mira and Federico Junior Herlianto were the speakers. Christina is the owner of Rubylicious, a fashion business that’s been in Yogya for quite some time and currently has a lot of branches outside Jogja. Federico is Head of Operation in Koma, a food and beverage business that specializes in cold drinks popular with kids nowadays.
Adlan said that the three speakers, all from different business sectors, were chosen on purpose to give a wide range of knowledge in current business developments to participants. Participants of the seminar were very enthusiastic, seen by the amount of questions asked in the Q and A session. There was also entertainment from Schizofriends Band and giving out vouchers from speakers.
“The initial purpose of LM’s Entrepreneurial Department was to become a platform to encourage fellow psychology students in UGM in starting their own business, but it’s unfortunate that so few of us have that entrepreneurial spirit. Hopefully, with this event, people can be more encouraged and have their spirits lifted, be more confident and less afraid, and of course inspire them to be entrepreneurs,” Adlan said.