On Monday (14/03), the Centre for Public Mental Health (CPMH) held an online lecture with the topic “Self-Care and Healing”. The topic was delivered by psychologists who have often filled CPMH online lectures, namely Nurul Kusuma Hidayati, M.Psi., Psychologist and Wirdatul Anisa, M.Psi., Psychologist. The event, which was attended by various groups who have an interest in the topic of mental health discussions, began with a discussion on mental health.
“Why do we start with mental health?”, asked Nurul to the participants of the event. “Because it is inseparable (mental health and self-care). We (CPMH) believe that mental health literacy must always, always, and always be conveyed”.
Talking about mental health, is like discussing something from upstream to downstream. Starting from the promotion of prevention which has the largest portion to rehabilitation and then how the person can return to the community. “Discuss of self-care, the biggest portion is in the promotion section to prevent the need for curation. Even if it must be curated, it will be in the most minimal form,” explained Nurul.
There are 4 pillars in mental health, namely being useful, productive, able to deal with everyday stress, and recognizing one’s own potential. Recognizing one’s own potential is not only about your strengthness, but also about weakness. Includes recognizing what they have and what threats might arise. “In short, recognizing one’s potential must go through a complete SWOT,” explained Nurul.
“With vulnerabilities that we are aware of or called risk factors, we can know what things to prepare for ourselves or can also be called protective factors and self-care is one way,” Wirdatul.
Just like physical health, a person’s mental health can experience ups and downs. If many events are stressful, then it is natural for someone to experience declining mental health. Therefore, a person is advised to have self-care abilities as an effort to maintain and maintain mental health and prevent the emergence of mental illness or disorders. Even self-care can also help someone to work well.