Center for Lifespan and Development (CLSD) Faculty of Psychology UGM organize narrative research method course. The event was held for two days, start on Friday, December 4 to Saturday, December 5, 2020.
Attended by 60 participants from academic background with majority of doctoral students from Faculty of Psychology UGM, the first session was start with the topic titled History and Development of Narrative Research that presented by the first speaker, Edilburga Wulan Saptandari, M.Psi., Ph.D., Psychologist at 8.00 – 9.00 AM.
Material about Theory and Design of Narrative Research and Methods and Practices of Narrative Data Collection was delivered by the second speaker, Made Diah Lestari, Ph.D (Cand). The session divided into two parts, first was start at 9.00 – 11.00 AM and the second was at 1.00 – 3.00 PM. In her presentation, she conveyed various approaches in narrative research, including personal experience, construct identities, story-telling, and approaches that looking further at social situations.
During the second part of material session about Data Collection Techniques, Made state that biographies, diaries and photos can become source of data that can be used in narrative research, “For example participant photos and diaries can be used in research about eating disorders in combination with interviews” she said. According to her, because narrative research is still within qualitative research scoop, the main key of this research is the depth of the data, not the number of respondents.
The second day of the course, Saturday, December 5, 2020, was opened with material about Various Approaches and Practices of Narrative Analysis and Presentation of Narrative Research Results by Dr. Bagus Takwin, M.Hum, a lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia. During the presentation, he delivered the concept of narrative analysis, that based on the interpretive paradigm. The focus of narrative analysis is to be able to understand how individuals interpret their daily life experiences.
After the fifth and sixth session material by Dr. Bagus Takwin, M.Hum, the event continued with sharing and presentation session of a narrative research design that guided by Elga Adriana, S.Psi., M.Ed., Ph.D. She opened the session with an examples of narratives example from her dissertation research about inclusive education.
Followed by presentation about narrative research designs by several participants, the course was ended at 5.00 PM, with closing statement from Rahmat Hidayat, S.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D. as the Head of the Psychology Doctoral Study Program.