Friday (12/11) Faculty of Psychology UGM held the Opening of the Anniversary of the Faculty of Psychology UGM. This event is the beginning of a series of activities celebrating the 57th anniversary of the founding of the Faculty of Psychology UGM. With the theme “Reconnecting and Co-Creating”, the opening event was held at the Faculty of Psychology UGM with an offline and online mix format.
Saturday (11/13), the Faculty of Psychology UGM held a welcoming ceremony for new students from the 2021 batch through the “Temu Kenal Akrab 2021” event. This event is held for two days, from November 13 to November 14, 2021. Temu Kenal Akrab is an annual activity to welcome new students of the Faculty of Psychology. Attended by 300 participants, the welcoming event this time became a forum for students to know the social structure and initiate good relations between forces even in a pandemic condition.
Friday (12/11) Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (CICP) Faculty of Psychology UGM held an international webinar with the topic “Challenges of Living in a Diverse Society”. The topic was presented by three speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Faturochman, M.A., Dr. Muhammad Najib Azca, and Rogelia Pe-Pua, Ph.D. This webinar was attended by more than 200 participants online starting at 13.00 WIB. Before entering the material, this event was opened by Haidar Buldan Thantowi, S.Psi., M.A., Ph.D as the Chair of CICP. “Me and my friends who are present today are very lucky to be able to follow and meet the speakers,” said Buldan.
Tuesday (26/10) the UGM Psychology Faculty Public Relations team interviewed I Gusti Agung Dyah Cahyaninggrat, a seventh semester student of the UGM Faculty of Psychology who this year also competed in the Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) XX Papua. Cahya represented Bali Province at this year’s PON event in the Judo martial arts sport.
Monday (25/10) the team of journalists from the Public Relations Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada held an interview session with Aliffa Milanisty. This 7th semester student of the Faculty of Psychology UGM succeeded in becoming a representative of Central Java at the Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) XX Papua 2021 in the karate sport.
Saturday (6/11) Tenang Lapang Covid-19 Psychological Support center held a free webinar with the title “Take Care of Yourself, Take Care of Your Right and Left”. Tenang Lapang Covid-19 Psychological Support Center is a psychological consultation service for the general public affected by the Covid-19 pandemic initiated by the UGM Faculty of Psychology in collaboration with the Paguyuban Alumni Mapro UGM , and Keluarga Alumni Fakultas Psikologi (Kapsigama) UGM.
Friday (5/11) Promovendus Club Psychological Science Doctoral Program held an event that discussed “Dissertation by Research: Sharing Experiences”. Present at the event were Bhina Patria, Dr.rer,pol and Restu Tri Handoyo, Ph.D as speakers.
Together with the Center for Life-span Development (CLSD), the Faculty of Psychology held a Research Knowledge Sharing event together with Elga Andriana, S.Psi., M.Ed., Ph.D on Friday (29/10). This time, Research Knowledge Sharing discussed the topic of Amplifying Children’s Voices within Arts-Based Service-Learning: Emerging Inclusive Education Practices in Indonesia. “So, judging from the title, we can catch that this research is voicing children’s voices about inclusive education,” explained Elga. The event, which is held online, starts at 13.30 WIB and ends at 15.00 WIB.
The Faculty of Psychology UGM on Thursday (21/10) held the Release of Graduates of the Postgraduate Program Period I FY 2021/2022 which consisted of 28 people. This period was attended by 20 people from the Master of Professional Psychology Study Program and 8 people from the Master of Psychology Study Program. The process of taking the Psychology Profession Oath this time was led by the General Chair of the Indonesian Psychological Association (HIMPSI), Prof. Dr. Seger Handoyo, Psychologist.
Thursday (21/10) a Professor Inauguration Ceremony was held for Prof. Dr. Avin Fadilla Helmi, M.Sc. The inauguration event was carried out in a mixed manner, with the implementation offline at the Balai Senat of the University of Gadjah Mada and online through the Zoom Meeting and broadcast live through the Gadjah Mada University YouTube. The Inauguration Ceremony was opened by the Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU., ASEAN Eng.