UGM student re-incised achievement in the fifth competition International ACM and Human-Computer Interactions and UX Conference at Petra University, Surabaya. Javaccino’s team with members Kairania Qalbi (Faculty of Psychology) and Gita Prasulistiyono Putra (Faculty of Economics and Business) won labeled the first winner in hacksprint International competition.
Essay Student Competition 2019 is Competition for essay writing was held by Faculty of Psychology Sultan Agung Semarang Islamic University, especially by association Rohis Qolbun Salim. The theme appointed in the essay competition up is “ role of a Moslem student as an agent of change” with the option a number of sub-themes which are education, social, economic, and politic.
Master of Psychology of clinical profession 2018 organizes “Gebyar Sinergi” with theme “when every little steps count to synergize your mind and body”. Located in Selasar building D on 25 April 2019. The event runs from 10 pm to 1 pm. The event is filled with several booths or expo, such as Let’s drink water, 5S, and Grateful to be Great. Basically, this event is the task of the Community intervention lecture that is being held by Diana Setiyawati, M. HSc. Psy., Ph.D and Ariana Marastuti, S. Psi., MSW. The concept of this event was derived in order to promote a class Community intervention program. While the assessment itself has already begun from the first semester, and in the second semester the lecture has just been remmated.
On 15-16 February 2019, Mind, Brain, and Behavior Laboratory (MBB Lab) cooperates with Doctoral Program Faculty Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada held an International Conference in Faculty of Psychology UGM. The Conference namely ICHTI (International Conference on Human-Technology Interactions) takes the theme How the Human-Technology Interactions: Shape Modern Life.
Anxiety disorder can attack anybody. Anxiety can easily experience people, students included.
Indonesia still has less expert in the Forensic Psychology field recently. While, in every court of crime, corruption, and terrorism, it is needed advice by the Forensic expert to the judges' consideration of the final decision.
A Human without social interaction can cause problems. The weakness of social relations can cause dementia growth.” Said Yohanes Heri Widodo, Doctoral Student Ilmu Psikologi UGM in open examination to attain the degree of Doctoral on Tuesday (29/1) in Auditorium G-100 Faculty of Psychology UGM.
Tuesday (30/1), the Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) got honorary visitation by the Expert Family from Australia, Prof. Alan Hayes. Hayes is director Family Action Centre (Pusat Aksi Keluarga) and also a lecturer in the Faculty of health and medicine The University of Newcastle.
Forensic Psychology is new field in Indonesia even in the world. Less country in the world does not recognize the profession of Forensic Psychology as an important profession. However, Forensic Psychology currently is really more needed especially in cases that are related by law and social justice.
After studying here for just five months and not even a semester has passed, these three highly curious UGM Psychology students, Safira Rizky Mayla, Sinta Kartika Widyowati, dan Zaadila Muftial Mabrur decided to apply to compete in a national debate championship in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), Bumi Siliwangi, Bandung.