Team of Debate Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) attain the first champion in Olympiade Psychology National branch Debate Competition Psychology in Gunadarma University, Depok on 11-13 March 2019.
Faculty of Psychology held Socialization PKM's League 2019, on 4 March. This socialization lone is one of the Parts of PKM’s activity. Program socialization PKM was dominated by FGD PKM's League and tend two ways. This activity was doing because a considerable number of participants are student grade 2017 and 2018, so socialization was more focused to explain about rules Ligas PKM, guideline PKM, the step for uploading to web Simaster and explaining reward got every group.
On 9-10 March 2019, Eva Rahman and Rahmayanti, 2 Mapres (Mahasiswa Berprestasi) from Faculty of Psychology UGM attain achievement as “Best Speaker” for Eva Rahman and “Best Presenter” for Rahmayanti. Both of them are student Psychology UGM grade 2016.
Aliffa Milanisty won on Karate Competition Southeast Asian level before that Aliffa won medals in Sunan Kalijaga Competition cup 9th. This competition namely Competition Sebelas Maret Cup 9th (Southeast Asian University Karate Championship) was held on 8 until 10 March 2019 in Surakarta, central Java. This competition lone was held by Ristekdikti and UKM karate UNS.
Monday, (11/3) GROWTH (Group for Writing Thesis) held for students of the Psychology Master's Study Program at the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). This activity aims to encourage postgraduate students to write a thesis.
Aliffa Milanisty, student class of 2018 Faculty of Psychology UGM is a student who can achieve 1 gold medals and 2 silver medals in competition karate Sunan Kalijaga cup 9th. This competition is national competition was held every year in December or January. At that time Aliffa enrolls the competition on 25-27 January.
Tuesday, (5/3) SMAN 1 Cikembar, Sukabumi visited Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). SMA Negeri 1 Cikembar brought about 250 students from 9 class in grade 9, Science and Social major. This visitation to campus is a routine agenda held by SMA Negeri 1 Cikembar for their student, and the purpose for increasing motivation to continue study to university. The visitation held in auditorium G-100 Faculty of Psychology UGM.
The big theme in this competition is “let success be your noise”, by the emphasis on the existence of positive psychology theory on each argumentation.
Prior to on the last session, the team run several eliminations selecting steps and quarter-final, then on semifinal section and competing with the team from Indonesia University by theme debate over the effectiveness of home-schooling and formality school.
Debate Team Psychology’s UGM won semifinal step with scoring team 860 and UI team 684. This winning point carried out debate team psychology UGM that came back competing on the open final section.
On the last final, debate team psychology UGM has faced with the team from the guest house, which is Katolik Widya Mandala University. Matching motion on final competition given by the impromptu system. During 30 minutes before competition, finalist seeks out appropriate argument regarding revolution Industry 4.0 and social welfare in Indonesia. Until on peak of the event, awarding night, debate team Psychology’s UGM has been announced as a winner National Debate Psychology Competition.
“National Debate Competition is pretty challenging and encouraging us to learn more about unknown knowledge. Meanwhile useful for increasing critical thinking and elaborating theories that were given and also encouraging us to develop interpersonal ability when meeting with newbie from various universities”, Sinta explains.
On realizing vision and mission Faculty of Psychology in development of technology field in learning, UPTB (Unit Pengembangan Teknologi Belajar) held training with the topic techno training. This training focused on making poster.
Many risk behaviors in society, such as suicide idea or behavior, early marriage, easily divorced and substance misuse or addiction behavior strengthen presumption many more people have a criteria threshold personality disorder.