A total of 33 students from the Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University (UGM) have achieved achievements as recipients of the 2024 Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) scholarship. IISMA is one of the initiatives of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology to increase the mobility of Indonesian students to various prestigious universities in this world.
The UGM Psychology Student Institute (LM) again held “Ngariung”, a discussion about social phenomena in society, on Saturday (25/5). This time Ngariung 2024 has the theme “Ableism Discourse: Is There Inclusivity for Quality Entertainment?”. This event presented Senoaji Julius, a director, producer and writer, and Elga Andriana, S.Psi, M.Ed, Ph.D., lecturer at the UGM Faculty of Psychology.
On Saturday, March 2 2024 08.30-11.30 WIB, the Center for Life-Span Development (CLSD) Faculty of Psychology UGM through The Reading Buddies Team held a read-aloud or reading-aloud training event in Suronatan Village, Notoprajan Village, Ngampilan Kemantren, Yogyakarta City. The event was attended by 19 people, including Toddler Family Development (BKB) cadres and parents with young children. This event aims to introduce and improve the abilities of BKB cadres and parents in practicing reading aloud at home and in the community. This training activity is a continuation of the reading-aloud activity carried out by The Reading Buddies Team two weeks previously, to ensure that the people in Suronatan Village can independently continue this literacy activity.
The Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University (UGM) successfully held the New Student Academic Orientation (OA MABA) for the Psychology Professional Education Program, Batch I, online on March 21-23 2024. The main aim of this activity is to welcome new students as well as provide an in-depth understanding of the program study through a series of materials presented.
The 59th Anniversary of the Faculty of Psychology UGM was officially opened. This year’s anniversary carries the theme Bestari in Adaptation, Together Building the Country. The series of activities starts with the opening ceremony on Friday (17/11) until the peak of activities on January 8, 2024.
On Wednesday (12/7), the Center for Public Mental Health (CPMH) Faculty of Psychology UGM held an Online Summer Lecture Series (OSLS) 2023 themed Mental Health in the Digital World. Dr. Wenty Marina Minza, M.A., Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, and Cooperation, officially opened the OSLS and will continue until July 26th.
On Tuesday (11/7), the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), was visited by the Laboratory of the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS). The visit was received in room A-203 by Galang Lufityanto, M.Psi., Ph.D., Psychologist, Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Faculty of Psychology, UGM.
Monday (19/6), the Faculty of Psychology at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) conducted a field visit and exchange in collaboration with the Sydney Southeast Asia Centre. Apart from students from the University of Sydney, the Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (CICP) and the Student Activity Unif of Diffable Care (SAUDC) were also present as partners in organizing the field visit & exchange entitled Disability Inclusion and Rights Fulfillment in Indonesia.
The Psychology Consultation Unit (UKP) on Friday (18/11) held a webinar entitled “Dear Little Me, It’s not Your Fault”. The event was held online with Amalia Nur Aisyah Tuasikal, Psychologist as the moderator. Meanwhile, the resource person was delivered by Annisa Poedji Pratiwi, Psychologist and Ernawati Widyaningsih, Psychologist. It is hoped that through this event the participants who take part will get the opportunity to learn more about the relationship between the inner children and also the traumatic events that have been experienced in the past.
Promovendus Club Doctoral Program in Psychology UGM once again held a Kolokium Dua Mingguan (KDM) event with the topic “Food Choice and Sugar Intake: Promoting Healthy Eating in the Obesogenic Environment through Priming and Nudging Methods” (18/11). This topic was discussed by the main speaker, namely Ana Undarwati Ph.D who is a lecturer and researcher at Semarang State University. The purpose of holding this event is to become a forum for information and sharing related research that has been carried out by presenting competent speakers. In addition, this KDM activity is part of a series of activities for the 58th Anniversary of the UGM Faculty of Psychology.