Carrying the topic, “Trails of Stories Behind the Consultation Room: Grief Counselling”, the Psychological Consultation Unit (UKP) again held the 12th UKP Synergy UKP Sharing (UBUB) on Friday (10/9). The topic was delivered by Dra. Sri Kusrohmaniah, M.Sc., PhD and Azri Agustin S.Psi., Psychologist and Wirdatul Anisa, M.Psi., Psychologist as moderators.
Friday (3/9) UGM Psychology Doctoral Study Program held an event with the theme “Community defied efficiency for children with disabilities: Scoping review and photovoice stories from West Timor”. This event is a series of Kolokium Dua Mingguan (KDM) Promovendus Club which is held open to the public.
(27/8) The Psychodiagnostic Tool Development Unit (UPAP) of the Faculty of Psychology UGM held a workshop and seminar on Introduction to the Use of Analysis Software in Psychometrics. This workshop and seminar will be held for two days on 27th August and 3rd September 2021 online. This is the 4th event organized by UPAP related to data analysis training. Not only workshops and training, but this activity will also be continued with In House Training every Friday starting from 08.00 a.m to 16.00 p.m.
Friday (3/9) the Center for Life-Span Development (CLSD) again held the International Online Summer Course series. The series of summer courses with the big theme “Disability and Lifespan Development: Indonesia and Global Perspectives” has entered its 10th day. The title raised in this session is “Learning Disabilities from Neuropsychological Perspectives”.
The Doctoral Program in Psychology, Faculty of Psychology UGM held an Intensive Course on Advanced Statistical Analysis in Research in the Social Sciences. This intensive course activity is held for 5 days starting on August 30, 2021, until September 3, 2021. This course activity was opened by the Head of the Psychological Science Doctoral Program, namely Rahmat Hidayat, S.Psi., M.Sc., Ph. D
As an effort to continuously improve services for service users, the Psychology Consultation Unit (UKP) of the Faculty of Psychology UGM presents the event “Skills Improvement Training: Psychological First Aid”. This event was held on Friday (3/9) and was intended for UKP Psychologists and Assistant Psychologists.
Wednesday (25/8) to Friday (28/8) the UGM Psychology Doctoral Study Program held Sarasehan Guyub Promovendus Club (SGPC): Speciap Edition. This event is a meeting place for students of the UGM Psychology Doctoral Study Program to present and discuss research that will be, is being, or has been done. This special edition features students from the class of 2021 who present their research proposal plans.
Friday (27/8) the Psychology Consultation Unit (UKP) of the Faculty of Psychology UGM held the 11th UKP Synergy UKP Sharing (UBUB). On this occasion, the topic raised is “Relieve Broken Hearts with Mindfulness”. The resource persons involved in this topic are Vincent Eddy K. H., M.Psi., a psychologist as one of the partner psychologists at UKP.
Wednesday (25/8) the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada held the Release of Period IV Graduates/Graduates for the Academic Year 2020/2021 for the Undergraduate Program and the International Undergraduate Program. This event was attended by 47 undergraduate students and 8 International Undergraduate Program (IUP) students. The total period for the release of graduates this time was attended by 55 students
Saturday (21/8) The Launching & Webinar Program “Tenang Lapang: Covid 19 Psychological Support Center” was successfully held online. This event is the inauguration of a free psychological support and counseling service program with an online platform during the pandemic which was initiated by the UGM Faculty of Psychology, Kapsigama (Alumni Families of the Faculty of Psychology UGM), and PAMPsi (UGM Profession Alumni Association).