

CLSD 2021 Summer Course Closing Event

Thursday (14/10) the Center for Lifespan Development (CLSD) held a closing ceremony for the 2021 International Online Summer Course. The summer course with the theme “Disability and Lifespan Development: Indonesia and Global Perspectives” arrived at the end of the event after two months from early August to mid-October 2021. read more

COMPRE CLSD Class Opening Event

Friday (8/10) Center for Life-span Development (CLSD) opened the COMPRE (Contemporary Methods and Community-led Lifespan Development Research) class event. This event is a series of Photovoice training and community-led research practices for participants who are committed to participating in this event from beginning to end. read more

Faculty Senate Open Meeting and Farewell to the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology UGM

Thursday (7/10), the Faculty of Psychology UGM held an Open Meeting of the Faculty Senate and a mixed farewell to the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology UGM. The offline event uses the G-100 auditorium of the Faculty of Psychology UGM, while the online event uses the Zoom application. This event was attended by more than 200 invited guests with Ade Novianti, S.E. as a presenter. This year’s faculty senate open meeting was opened by Prof. Drs. Subandi, M.A., Ph.D., Psychologist. as Chair of the Faculty Senate. read more

The Importance of Accompanying Children’s Thinking Development in the Golden Age

Saturday (2/10) the Center for Life-Span Development (CLSD) held a webinar with the theme “The Importance of Accompanying Children’s Thinking Development in the Golden Age”. The first CLSD event in October 2021 is a psychoeducational activity as part of a series of Research on Memory Development and Executive Skills in Babies 12-24 Months: A Screening Method by Mothers. read more

Theory Building Training Online: From Theory to Action

Friday (24/9) and Saturday (25/9) the Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (CICP) held Theory Building Training (TBT). The event, which is regularly held every year, is being held again this year, even though it is in an online format because it is still during the Covid-19 pandemic. This TBT event carries the theme “From Theory to Action”. read more

One Decade Together: Returning Home for Remembering

Sunday (26/09), alumni of the 2011 Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada held a virtual reunion with the theme “One Decade Together: Returning Home for Remembering”. This virtual reunion event was attended by 100 alumni by inviting Prof. Dr. Faturochman, M.A and Prof. Dra. Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti, M.Med.Sc., Ph.D., Psychologist as a guest representative from a lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology UGM. read more

Tracks Behind the Consultation Room: Counselling for Employees

Friday (24/09) UGM Psychology Consulting Unit held the 13th UKP Synergy UKP Sharing (UBUB) with the topic “Tracks Behind the Consultation Room: Counselling for Employees” online. The topic that was brought up by UBUB #13 this time was delivered by Diana Setiyowati, Psikolog and Indrayanti, M.Sc., Ph.D., Psikolog. read more

KDM Sharing : Time Management in Doctoral Studies

Friday (17/9) the Doctoral Program of Psychology UGM again held Kolokium Dua Mingguan (KDM) series. The theme this time was “Teacher’s Professional Learning on Managing Student Behavior in Classrooms: Thesis Including Published Work”. The event which is held regularly every two weeks is open to the public. read more

Collaborating with CPMH, Psychology Doctoral Study Program Holds Intensive Training

Monday (12/9) UGM Psychology Doctoral Study Program in collaboration with the Center for Public Mental Health (CPMH) held Mastering Scoping Review and Systematic Literature Review events. This intensive training event is packaged in twelve sessions of twenty-four hours and will last for ten days. The event, which was intended for postgraduate, doctoral students, lecturers, researchers, and professionals in public or private institutions was attended by 82 participants from all over Indonesia. read more