“Hi, I’m Zahwa Islami! I’m a student from Gadjah Mada University’s Faculty of Psychology. I really like talking!”
That was the opening words for an inspiring video themed “Why It’s Cool Challenge”. It’s a challenge to share knowledge and inspiring others, initiated by AjarBelajar.com. Ajar Belajar is a movement in knowledge-sharing in the form of sharing lecture notes through digital media (text and video). This platform, launched officially on June 8, 2018, is already being recognized by various people. Tutors in the platform come from 9 countries, 32 fields, more than 20 universities, and already has more than 30 content.
Zahwa was talking about public speaking, something she is really good at and has gotten her many awards, while also being a skill she uses in helping others develop. The video has been watched by more than 15.000 Instagram users, and a lot of people seemed to like it. She won second place in this nation-wide challenge. This educative video was judged directly by Muhammad Muallimin Al Hafiz (the Vice Coordinator of World PPI Communication Office, 2018/2019), Rhogerry Desycka (Young Academic from University of California San Fransisco, USA), and Risma Rizkia Nurdianti (Head of LPDP Awardees Forum in Germany, 2018/2019). This challenge-based competition was divided into 2 categories, general and educational. The awards given included the title of ‘tutor’ in AjarBelajar.com, money, and a motivational book titled Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, by Angela Duckworth.
Zahwa’s public speaking ability gave an impact through the movement she created, #BicaraBaik (trans: talk about good things). A lot of students from universities and high schools have had their say in the movement, #BicaraBaik (pardon the pun). They shared motivation, knowledge, and the courage to speak. Right now, Zahwa is taking care of the growth of this movement, which you can see for yourself through her instagram, @zahwaisl. Her passion for sharing came from advice she got from the CMO of the biggest cosmetic company in Indonesia, that a person can be acknowledged as ‘smart’ when that person has the capability to share his/her thoughts and make people understand what that person is thinking.