The Alumni Family of the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAPSIGAMA) together with the Faculty of Psychology UGM held the Alumni Day 2022 event (15/1) which aims to reconnect between Alumni and their Alma mater. Starting at 09.00 WIB, this event was held offline and online via the UGM Psychology Knowledge Channel and Zoom. Besides being attended by alumni, the event was also attended by Alma mater Relations (HunTer), Psychology Student Parents Association (POTMAPSI), and Dharma Wanita Faculty of Psychology UGM.
With the theme “Day with Alumni”, this event was held in the framework of the 57th Anniversary of the Faculty of Psychology. The interesting thing about this Alumni event is that there is a “Nonton Bersama” (NoBar) activity and live broadcasts from several cities in Indonesia, such as Jakarta, Makassar, and Bangka Belitung, to cities abroad such as Sydney.
This event began with the screening of teasers and videos presented by Bahana Psychology who sang the song “Yogyakarta”. Present as offline MCs were Sholeh Aminuddin and Ekandari Sulistyaningsih who guided the 2022 Alumni Day event from the UGM Faculty of Psychology Tuesday. After being opened by the presenter, the event continued with singing the anthem Indonesia Raya, the Hymn of Gadjah Mada, and Mars Psychology.
The event continued with a speech from the representative of the Rector of Gadjah Mada University, Wirastuti Widyatmanti, Ph.D as Secretary of the Directorate of Alumni and International Partnerships (Vice Director) Universitas Gadjah Mada. “KAPSIGAMA has been very prominent as one of the UGM alumni families who have very strong kinship,” said Wirastuti. According to Wirastuti, KAPSIGAMA is a family of alumni who are very active, very well established, and every activity carried out has a very broad impact on elements of the academic community, especially Psychology students. Various agendas are routinely carried out by KAPSIGAMA, including Kapsi Sayang, Kapsi Link, KapSinergi, EdukaPsi, and KAPSIGAMA Back to Campus.
Another remark was also given by the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology UGM, Rahmat Hidayat, S.Psi., MSc., Ph.D. Through his speech, Rahmat hoped that this Alumni Day event would continue to a more advanced stage, namely co-creating. “Together with all alumni from various parts of the country to process together to build ideas through works for the benefit of society and the nation,” explained Rahmat. A speech was also given by the Chairperson of KAPSIGAMA, Prabaswara Dewi, S.Psi., Psychologist. “Alumni Day connects us with alumni around the world. Thank you for your attention and may you always be healthy and happy,” said Prabaswari.
Also present were the Chairman of the Gadjah Mada Alumni Family (KAGAMA), H. Ganjar Pranowo, S.H. M.IP. “I would like to thank my friends from Psychology who yesterday had a good time to be able to fight and contribute to our friends, both the community and KAGAMA members. I think it’s really cool, really great,” said Ganjar. Ganjar also said that it was important to assist friends who were under pressure who needed to be helped to find solutions.
“May God always give us inspiration so that we are grateful, especially the blessing of our beloved alma mater of the Faculty of Psychology who is 57 years old. In addition, the Faculty has produced many alumni,” said Drs. Haryanto Sentot, M.Si during the prayer session at the end of the event.