Six New Doctors from UGM’s Faculty of Psychology Present their Doctoral Dissertation Research

Six lecturers who recently earned doctoral degrees from UGM’s Faculty of Psychology presented their research in the G100 Auditorium (1/5). This event is one of the many events in celebration of the faculty’s 52nd Dies Natalis.. It is open for all students and faculty members to participate as part of the audience. Those six lecturers are Dr. Fauzan Heru Santhoso, M.Si. , Dr. Sri Kusrohmaniah, M.Si. , Dr. Muhana Sofiati Utami, M.S. , Dr. Sumaryono, M.Si. , Galang Lutfiyanto, S.Psi., M.Psi., Ph.D. , and Arum Febriani, S.Psi., M.A., Ph.D.

The event, called “Sharing Session”, is divided into two sessions led by three lecturers each. Dr. Fauzan Heru Santhoso, M.Si, opened the first session with his research titled “Relative Deprivation Narrative and Provocation towards Social Prejudice and Aggressive Behavior Tendency (Narasi Deprivasi Relatif dan Provokasi terhadap Prasangka Sosial dan Kecenderungan Perilaku Agresif)”. The research is about social prejudice between groups and the tendency of aggressive behavior that happens often in Indonesia in both a micro and macro scale, with relative deprivation narrative along with provocation. The result shows that relative deprivation narrative along with provocation affects social prejudice between groups and the tendency to behave aggressively. Subjects will show prejudice between groups and a tendency to behave aggressively when they read information and receive provocation from their peers.

The next presentation was from Dr. Sri Kusrohmaniah, M.Si. The research, titled “Environment Enrichment, Spatial Memory, and Hippocampus (Pengayaan Lingkungan, Ingatan Spasial, dan Hippocampus )” is about the need of methods to increase spatial memorizing ability because of movement and human activity due to globalization. When the hypothesis was tested, it showed that there is no effect of environment enrichment to spatial memory and the volume of the hippocampus, but there is an effect of gender to spatial memory.

The next presentation was from Dr. Muhana Sofiati Utami, M.S. with the title of her research “Cognitive Behavioral-Religious Therapy to Reduce Depression, Increase Confidence, and Subjective Well-Being for Students (Terapi Kognitif Perilaku–Religius untuk Menurunkan Depresi serta Meningkatkan Kepercayaan Diri dan Kesejahteraan Subjektif pada Mahasiswa)”.  The background of this research is from research and findings that imply college students show signs of depression, low self-esteem, and low subjective well-being. Also, there is still limited help and aid for students that experience mental disorders because there is no standardized intervention module on how to handle this issue.

In the second session, the first presentation to start was from Dr. Sumaryono, M.Si. with his research titled “Work Performance; A New Paradigm about Career for Generation Y and Network-Based Organizations (Kinerja Karir; Paradigma Baru tentang Karir bagi Generasi Y dan Organisasi berbasis Jejaring)”. The conclusion of this research is that the meaning of career and well-being simultaneously affects work performance, so it is recommended that for educational institutions, student bodies, and practitioners that they be given a training module for independent career workers and research about overcoming unemployment, also as a source of consideration for the development and selection of employees in network-based organizations. On the other hand, academicians and researchers can hold workshops about the process of understanding career performance and further research about developing personal aspects.

The fifth presentation was a research by Galang Lutfiyanto, S.Psi., M.Psi., Ph.D. His research is titled “Uncovering the Mystery of Intuition in the Psychological Perspective (Menyibak Misteri Intuisi dalam Perspektif Psikologi)”. It’s about intuition, which is a fast decision-making process based on information sources that can still lead people to make right decisions although it does not contain comprehensive detailing about something in particular. The findings show that an intuitive decision utilizes signals or emotional information paired with information relevant to a particular task, and that intuition is usually used in ambiguous situations.

The last presentation was from Arum Febriani, S.Psi., M.A., Ph.D., presenting her research “The Threat of Stereotype, Trans-Generational Contact, and Elderly Performance (Ancaman Stereotip, Kontak antar Generasi, Performansi Lansia)”, which is a comparative study between two countries, Indonesia and France. The findings show that trans-generational contact can reduce the threat of stereotypes on elderly people’s performance, and that increasing activity between generations can increase the elderlies’ well-being.

Hopefully, this event can not only be useful and increase the insight for all students and faculty members in UGM’s Faculty of Psychology, but to also encourage students and lecturers to conduct research to develop their abilities. [Alifah]