As a gesture of hospitality towards freshmen of the undergraduate program of Psychology, dubbed the Gadjah Mada Muda (GAMADA; “Young Gadjah Mada”), UGM Faculty of Psychology held HALO PRK (Hari Pengenalan dan Orientasi Psikologi Rumah Kita; “Day of Introduction and Orientation on Our Home Psychology”). Set in the environment of the faculty itself, 227 GAMADA attended this two-day annual event (3 to 4 August 2016). HALO PRK was a part of the university-wide orientation program PPSMB (Pelatihan Pembelajar Sukses Mahasiswa Baru; “Freshmen Training to be Successful Learners”) Palapa UGM 2016.
As cited from, the steering committee of PRK created the event with the central theme “Dare to Move Forward” in mind. The concept upheld two primary values, leadership and humanist, which hopefully would later develop into professionalism and nationalism as core identity of the GAMADAs later when they interact with the society. The tagline for HALO PRK was Wiratama, a concept in the Javanese culture for a personality unafraid to realize an Indonesia that is skillful, creative, and with the integrity to dedicate the self tirelessly for the people. Guided by the Wiratama principle, the GAMADAs were supplemented with several materials such as self-recognition, psychology-ism, loyalty and devotion to the country, unity in diversity, ally of the people, Indonesia as one’s own beating heart, and inspirational sources in Indonesia.
The 2016/2017 academic year marked the first time undergraduate psychology freshmen were divided into two groups, regular and international. The two nevertheless were merged into one throughout HALO PRK, ultimately sharing the same alma mater of UGM Faculty of Psychology for Indonesia. To elaborate, the international undergraduate program (IUP) consisted of 29 students, 3 males and 26 females. On the other hand, the regular program had 198 students, 49 males and 149 females. The total of 198 students were admitted through six different paths. The following are the exact numbers on the admission procedures of the 2016 regular undergraduate students: 4 from Penelusuran Bakat Olahraga dan Seni (PBOS; Sports and Arts-related Talent Scouting); 4 from Penelusuran Bibit Unggul Kemitraan (PBUK; Scholarship for UGM-partnered Local Governments); 1 from Penelusuran Bibit Unggul Tidak Mampu (PBUTM; Scholarship for the Under-Privileged); 61 from Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SBMPTN; National Merit-based Non-test Admission); 77 from Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN; National Admission Test); and 51 from Seleksi Ujian Tulis (UTul; UGM-exclusive Admission Test).