Thursday (6/1) the Faculty of Psychology UGM again held a series of Psychology Week events. This event is the third day of a series of psychology week events to celebrate the Dies Natalis of the Faculty of Psychology UGM. On this 57th anniversary, the Faculty of Psychology UGM took the theme “Reconnecting and Co-Creating”.
The event took place from 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM. This event is held offline and online which can be watched on the Kanal Pengetahuan Psikologi UGM.
The third day of the event consisted of five activity sessions. Three of them are book launching. While the other two are big data research presentations and closed by the webinar of the Keluarga Alumni Psikologi Gadjah Mada (Kapsigama).
In the first session which started at 8.00 AM, there was a book launching entitled Metode Pengasuhan Anak by Dr. Mohammad Mahpur, M.Si. This book is the result of Mahpur’s Dissertation study while undergoing doctoral studies at the UGM Psychology Doctoral Study Program under the guidance of the promoter Prof. Drs. Koentjoro, MBSc., Ph.D. Psikolog.
At the book review event moderated by Lu’luatul Chizanah, S.Psi., M.A., Mahpur explained the process of his doctoral research carried out in a place dubbed the “Idiot Village”. With an indigenous psychology approach, Mahpur is able to identify the problems that occur to provide solutions that are rooted in local wisdom.
In the second session which started at 10.00 WIB, there was a book launching entitled Psikosis Awal (Deteksi dan Intervensi Dini) by Prof. Drs. Subandi M.A., Ph.D & Citra Ayi Safitri M.Psi., Psychologist. This event was hosted by the presenter Dr. Phil. Edo Sebastian Jaya, M.Psi.
This book on Psikosis Awal (Deteksi dan Intervensi Dini) is very important for the scientific development of the study of psychosis at a young age. Because it was designed with a multi-scientific perspective, namely psychiatry and psychology, the launching of this book also invited several reviewers, including Prof. Byron J. Good, Ph.D., Dr. dr. Rusdi Maslim, SpKJ., M.Kes., Dr. dr. Irmansyah, SpKJ(K), Psychiatrist, dr. Natalingrum Sukmarini, SpKJ(K), M.Kes., Psychiatrist, and Herlini Utari., M.Psi., Psikolog.
In the third session, which started at 13.00 WIB, the event was filled with presentations on Big Data research being carried out by the Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (CICP). The first research is “Changing Risk Perception in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Sentiment Analysis of Two Lockdown” which was delivered by Nuel Bagus Cahyanto. While the second research is Coping during a Pandemic: Twitter Analysis of Psychosocial Responses to the Impact of COVID-19 in Indonesia, which was presented by Yasmin Nur Afifah.
Furthermore, the fourth session was filled by a webinar with the theme “Psychology of Religion and Spirituality in the Context of Indonesian Society. Guided by moderator Lu’luatul Chizanah, S.Psi., M.A., the speaker in this session was Prof. Drs. Subandi M.A., Ph.D. explain the development of theoretical and empirical research on religion and spirituality in the context of psychology. In addition, Subandi also discussed 4 titles of books on the psychology of religion, namely Psikologi Dzikir: Studi Fenomenologi Pengalaman Transformasi Religius (2009), Psikologi Agama dan Kesehatan Mental (2012), Terapi Ruqyah dan Kesadaran yang Berubah (altered States of Consciousness)(2020), and the latest is Menuju Indonesia Maju 2045.
The Psychology Week event on the 3rd day was closed with the 5th session which was an event from Keluarga Alumni Psikologi Gadjah Mada (Kapsigama) which was a webinar with the title “KAPSIGAMA Update”. This webinar discusses Kapsigama’s activities until 2022.