The Faculty of Psychology UGM on Thursday (21/10) held the Release of Graduates of the Postgraduate Program Period I FY 2021/2022 which consisted of 28 people. This period was attended by 20 people from the Master of Professional Psychology Study Program and 8 people from the Master of Psychology Study Program. The process of taking the Psychology Profession Oath this time was led by the General Chair of the Indonesian Psychological Association (HIMPSI), Prof. Dr. Seger Handoyo, Psychologist.
In the Master of Professional Psychology Study Program, the highest-Grade Point Average was achieved by Izzaturrohmah with a GPA of 3.82 as well as earning a cum laude predicate. While in the Psychology Masters Study Program, the highest-Grade Point Average was achieved by Mutia Husna Avezahra with a GPA of 3.82 as well as earning a cum laude predicate.
The Faculty of Psychology UGM also gives awards to students who have achievements in the best thesis publication manuscripts. In this period, the best thesis manuscript was won by Jessica Dhoria Aryawibowo from the Master of Professional Psychology Study Program with the title Self-Esteem as Mediator for the role of Adaptive Coping Strategies against Psychological Distress in Health Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic. During the thesis preparation process, Jessica was guided by Dr. Ira Paramastri, M.Sc., Psychologist. While in the Psychology Masters Study Program, the best thesis publication manuscript was won by Nadea Zulfa Khairunnisa with her supervisor Dr. Arum Febriani, M.A. The title raised by Nadea in the publication of her thesis is The Role of Parenting Self-Efficacy as a Mediator of the Relationship between Husband’s Support and Mother’s Involvement in Children’s Education.
At the graduation ceremony for this period, the graduation speech was represented by Mutia Husna Avezahra from the Master of Professional Psychology Study Program. Through her speech, Mutia revealed that the period of study at UGM Psychology was a moment where she could re-reflect on the goals to be achieved. “To our friends who graduated today, let us appreciate this proud academic achievement. Thank you for struggling to complete the study in all the limitations and inconveniences in the pandemic situation that has not yet ended,” said Mutia.
The speech was continued by Prof. Dr. Seger Handoyo, Psychologist as General Chairperson of HIMPSI. Through his remarks, Seger advised graduates to continue to develop professionalism. “There are only three things to do with professionalism. First, do psychology practice services with knowledge of psychological theory concepts. Second, continue to develop yourself, learn, and join the community. Third, maintain, follow, and pay attention to the code of ethics and applicable laws,” explained Seger.
Dean of the Faculty of Psychology UGM, Rahmat Hidayat, S.Psi, M.Sc., Ph.D. also gave a speech at this event. Rahmat said that completing master’s education is not an easy thing, does not involve light challenges, and requires strong efforts and support from various parties. “Being a master is not many who succeed in enjoying it among our nation’s children. By realizing this, it is fitting that this day needs to be celebrated and grateful as well as become stronger optimism for the future,” said Rahmat