Friday (17/9) the Doctoral Program of Psychology UGM again held Kolokium Dua Mingguan (KDM) series. The theme this time was “Teacher’s Professional Learning on Managing Student Behavior in Classrooms: Thesis Including Published Work”. The event which is held regularly every two weeks is open to the public.
The event took place at 09.00 WIB until 10.30 WIB. The event was attended by 40 participants from various universities.
The speakers at this event were Pramesti Pradna Paramita, M.Ed.Psych.,Ph.D, Psychologist, lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga. A graduate of the Educational Psychology Doctoral Program, Monash University, Australia, he has expertise in the field of psychological assessment in educational settings and inclusive education. Apart from explaining his research, Pramesthi also shared many experiences in completing his doctoral studies.
In her doctoral studies, Pramesthi chose a research area on behavior management. The research theme is teacher’s professional learning regarding the management of student behavior in the classroom.
“So I focused on a specific aspect of classroom management, namely how teachers can manage student behavior in the classroom with a proactive approach,” explained Pramesthi.
In making the choice to continue studying at S3, it must be carefully planned. But in reality there will be a lot of changes that suddenly occur. Pramesthi recounted the experience of going through the process from applying for a scholarship to his departure with his family to Australia which was full of changes in plans.
“How can we plan but of course we can’t make a complete decision. And on the one hand how we simply surrender, surrender to the Almighty, but also on the other hand we keep trying to show the best, “said Pramesthi.
Pramesthi explained that the first year of lectures is a phase that is quite important in adapting as well as carrying out research that has been designed. Especially when taking the program by research, students must be able to manage their study time independently.
The first year is also a good time to reflect and discuss with yourself what to do in the following years. Pramesthi explained that at this time students had to make choices about the themes they liked and it was important to study them.
“We have to determine what things we don’t just want to research, but what we value is something that is really important to research,” explained Pramesthi.
In carrying out her doctoral studies, Pramesthi also strongly emphasizes the need for a literature review. This is because there is a lot of literature that is read, so it is necessary to administer literature according to each theme so that it is easy to access when needed as research literature.
“So it is very important for us to try to cluster from the start, yes, make folders, make notes in a special book or something, the method will probably depend on each parent and colleague,” said Pramesthi.