Online Lecture: Digital Parenting

Monday (26/4) the Center for Public Mental Health (CPMH) Faculty of Psychology held an Online Lecture with the topic Digital Parenting which was filled by Nurul Kusuma Hidayati, M.Psi., Psychologist and Wirdatul Anisa, M.Psi., Psychologist. “Actually, this is a continuation of the previous online lecture which discussed children, the internet, and gadgets. For now, we try to raise about digital,”explained Wirdatul at the beginning of the event.

It cannot be denied that the current pandemic is forcing families to be literate about technology and digital. “The interesting thing is that the P3A Ministry issued three principles about parenting in the digital era,” said Nurul. One of the principles is about balance as it relates to psychological mentoring. Some parents and adults feel that they have done things related to digital parenting, but after that the neglect continues. Digital care is not only limited to dialogue and installation of parenting control features, but psychological assistance is still needed for children related to technology and the internet.

Furthermore, talking about parenting is not only the responsibility of the mother or the parents. However, care is also the responsibility of the family, including uncles, aunts, grandparents, and other adult members who are in the environment where a child is growing. In addition, other things that are also emphasized in digital care are related to the awareness that families must learn together. “There is no need to feel embarrassed, there is no need to feel that I was the farthest behind or even feel that I should know the best,” Nurul explained.

At the end of the event, Wirdatul said that childcare must indeed be adjusted to the times. “Communication is important, but its delivery also needs to be adapted to the environment and the era in which the child grows up”. The efforts of parents and adults around children to understand digital, hopefully, can help adjustments in the parenting process.

Meanwhile, Nurul closed the event by emphasizing communication, interaction, warmth, and openness that emerged between family members. These are the principles that exist in the parenting process. In addition, the committee also hopes that this event can add insight and knowledge of parents and adults about parenting, especially care in the digital era like today.

Tags: cpmh online