CICP Talk: Promotion of Research Methods in Pandemic Times

Friday (28/8), Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (CICP) held a CICP Talks with “Doing Your Research During Pandemic: The Trends and Challenges” as the topic. CICP Talks aims to disseminate research methods that can be carried out during a pandemic, both in qualitative and quantitative approaches. This activity is free and open to the public using the online platform, Zoom Meeting.

The CICP Talks was attended by 124 participants, which are students, lecturers, workers and housewives from different institutions and regions. Registration for activities is open for one week and is done online by filling in the registration form.

CICP Talks consisted of 3 sessions and guided by Fakhirah Inayaturrobbani, S.Psi as moderator. In the first session Dr. Wenty Marina Minza, M.A. who is a lecturer in Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology UGM, present about qualitative approach. The material presented was the principles of qualitative research, data collection techniques through a qualitative approach during interviews, observation with full camera control by participants, and digital self-reports.

The second session was about quantitative and mixed method approaches, presented by Haidar Buldan Thontowi S.Psi., M.A. who is a lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology UGM, as well as the director of CICP. Various kinds of research methods are currently being carried out by CICP UGM as well as explanation about data collection method via Twitter social media according to API standards.

The third session was filled with sharing session from CICP research assistant. Ratri Arista (research on citizen responses to COVID-19 using twitter data), Atika Dwi A. (who recently completed a qualitative thesis), and Septika Chintya Krismawati (online experimental research with the help of Allocate Monster) had the opportunity to share their experiences. This session was closed with a question and answer session with all three presenters.

In addition to discussing research-related topics, CICP Talk is also a media to deliver information about other CICP activities that related to the dissemination of research methods, such as Theory Building Training (TBT), CICP’s annual activity. Theory Building Intermediate Level Training online will be held by CICP UGM in this month. 2020 TBT will focus on two research approaches, such as qualitative methods, especially grounded theory, and quantitative approach, specifically regarding online experimental surveys.

Tags: cicp talk