- sumaryono.cendix[at]ugm.ac.id
- acadstaff.ugm.ac.id
- orcid.org/0000-0002-1471-9505
- ID Sinta: 6011701
Research Interest
Leadership, Career Performance of Gen Y and Gen Z, Psychological Safety
Dr. Sumaryono, M.Si., Psychologist, currently serves as the Deputy Dean for Finance, Assets, and Human Resources at the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. He completed his undergraduate education (S1) at Universitas Gadjah Mada in 1991, earning the title of Drs. After that, he pursued his master’s degree (S2) at the same university and obtained the title of M.Si in 2001. In 2016, Dr. Sumaryono successfully obtained a doctoral degree (PhD) from Padjadjaran University after defending a dissertation titled Career Performance of Independent Career Practitioners. The field of expertise that Dr. Sumaryono focuses on is organizational development and change. Some of the main research interests he focuses on include leadership, career performance of Generation Y and Z, and psychological safety. Dr. Sumaryono teaches various courses including: Observation Practice, Psychological Interviewing, Psychodiagnostic Practice, Creativity and Innovation, Human Resource Management, Performance Management, Psychological Code of Ethics, Thesis, Psychological Intervention Practice, Industrial Relations, Higher Education Human Resource Management, Developmental Psychology, and Organizational Change.
Student Name | Research Title |
Nur Afni Indahari | Development of Civil Servant Performance Indicators in Indonesia |
Widia Sri Ardias | Higher Education Strategy to Develop Critical Thinking in the Post Truth Era |
Isaputra, S.A., Sumaryono. (2023). P2P lending: Moderation of desirability of control on risk-taking decisions of Indonesian borrowers. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-023-01785-w
Putri, D. F., & Sumaryono, S. (2021). Peran persepsi terhadap electronic service quality dan electronic word-of mouth (e-wom) terhadap intensi pembelian ulang melalui e-commerce. Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan, 9(2), 164–171. https://doi.org/10.22219/jipt.v9i2.12933
Hidayanti, R. C. & Sumaryono. (2021). The role of sleep quality as mediator of relationship between workload and work fatigue in mining workers. Jurnal Psikologi, 48(1), 62-79. https://doi.org.10.22146/jpsi.61154
Widarnandana, I. G. D. & Sumaryono. (2020). Readiness for change reviewed from intrapreneurship and perception of career development. Proceeding of The 10th International Conference of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology 2019, Digital Press Social Sciences and Humanities, 5.
Ibrahim, A. V. B. (2019). Adversity quotient pada pelaku startup di Yogyakarta: Kegigihan di tengah masalah. Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology, 5(1), 83-96. https://doi.org.10.22146/gamajop.47969
Lakshmi, P. A. & Sumaryono. (2018). Kesuksesan karier ditinjau dari persepsi pengembangan karier dan komitmen karier pada pekerja millennial. Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology, 4(1), 57-75. https://doi.org.10.22146/gamajop.45782
Maulida, T., & Sumaryono. (2019). Peran Perceived Organizational Support dan Career Adaptability terhadap Subjective Career Success [Masters’ Theses]. Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Nurwardani, M. & Sumaryono. (2013). Hubungan antara kepuasan konsumen dengan intensitas penggunaan kartu prabayar. Jurnal Spirits, 3(2), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.30738/spirits.v3i2.842
Triawan, Sumaryono. (2008). Kecenderungan perilaku pengambilan resiko dengan minat berwirausaha. Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi, 13(26).
Sumaryono, Djamaludin Ancok. 2005. Orientasi komitmen ditinjau dari kepemimpinan transformasional & kepercayaan terhadap manajemen. Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi, 10(19).
Himam, F., Riyono, B., Sumaryono. (2004). Pendekatan grunded theory untuk memahami strategi pemerintah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dalam menghadapi era otonomisasi daerah dan globalisasi. Jurnal SIASAT BISNIS, 1(9), 1-14.
- The meaning of work success among young workers [2015]
- QWL, Happiness, and Confidence in Self-Employed Workers [2014]
- Self Employment & Career Performance [2012]
- Commitment Orientation Viewed from Transformational Leadership & Trust in Management [2004]
- Grounded Theory Approach to Understanding the Strategy of the Yogyakarta Special Regional
- Government in Facing the Era of Regional Autonomy and Globalization [2003]
- Attitudes to Use Environmentally Friendly Products Judging from Understanding Environmental Values [1994]
UGM Psychology, Organizational Identity: a review of internal and external factors, 02/2009 – 12/2009
- Psychology Doctoral Study Program – Intensive Course Presenter on Latest Developments in Industrial and Organizational Psychology Research [2021]
- UPKM Assessor July – December 2020 [2020]
- Resource Person for Workshop on Building Direction for Gen Z Learning Model Senate Faculty of Engineering UGM [2018]
- Resource Person at Public Lecture on Career Planning & Applications in Military Psychology [2018]
- Sharing Session Resource Person Knowing and Managing Gen Z [2018]
- Resource Person for Muhammadiyah Higher Education Leadership Training [2018]
- As a Public Lecture Lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology, Muhammadiyah University to provide additional insight into Career Planning for Psychology graduates [2018]
- As a Resource Person for Preparing the Revision of the T.A Guide [2018]